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  1. wwmotors

    ALTA MOTORS brand name sold?

    Look this video! Really strange! Opinions?
  2. wwmotors

    Powersupply for mobilephone

    Does anyone know the logic of the electronic, when a electric cable gets power or not? I built a switch in the pluscable of the lowbeam, to ride without light, when needed. When i switch it on again, it does not work anymore. It needs a restart of the bike with "switched on" light! If a bulb is...
  3. wwmotors

    Powersupply for mobilephone

    Hello ALTA EXR Riders, did anyone of you connect an iphone chargingcable to the bikes electric system? Is there anywhere the right voltage? Or do you go to 12v and connect a carchargingdevice to the phone? My ridetimes are longer than the iphone can stand, especially in the cold season. Cheers...
  4. wwmotors

    On board charger on Alta

    Hi, the OBC is not good, takes 6 hours to charge and nearly everyone had problems with it. It had a plug on the chargeport, which connects directly to 110V with a standard cable. 220v was promised but never worked out. So better forget it and charge offboard. Cheers WW
  5. wwmotors

    SOLVED: DC Timeout Code 113 when charging! Something new!

    Hello Altariders, again my PCBA of the DCCP stopped working. Error 113. But i was able to soder the connections from the 2 big relais. They are obviously the problem. Just for your information and to give something back to this forum! Cheers and ride on!
  6. wwmotors

    Love to hear some hour/mileage updates!

    Update: I have now 5 digits on my odo: 10.050 kms and 328 hours! Incredibel bike, my MXR 2018!!! Someone else did that?
  7. wwmotors


    Sold! Verkauft! Zu verkaufen in Deutschland/Europa: Stark Varg Alpha nagelneu, nicht gefahren, sofort abholbereit. Grau, Handbremse hinten, 80PS, 19 Zoll Rad, Ladegerät, Handydisplay, MWST ausweisbar, Rechnung, volle Garantie! In der Kiste oder fahrbereit montiert, wie ihr wollt. 14499€ inkl...
  8. wwmotors

    List of aftermarket products for the Alta

    After 300 hours a front spoke broke on my MXR. Does anyone have measurements of the front and rear spokes or knows, from what ktm model they are similar? Cheers
  9. wwmotors

    Alternative chainslider for MXR/EXR

    Due to the fact, that the front chainslider is no more availlable and the 3D printed lasts only a few hours, i built an alternative one: i put a 2cm longer screw in the footrestholder and put a teflon roll onto it. Looks very good after a few rides! Cheers
  10. wwmotors

    STARK VARG testen jederzeit bei wwmotorsport in Deutschland

    Bei wwmotorsport können Kaufinteressenten jederzeit nach Terminabsprache die STARK VARG ALPHA testen! Hauseigene Teststrecke vorhanden. Anmeldung unter Powered by Motorradsport Holzleitner. Dort könnt ihr die STARK bestellen.
  11. wwmotors

    Love to hear some hour/mileage updates!

    MXR 2018: 300 hours, 9000 kms!
  12. wwmotors

    First Stark Varg flying over Bavaria

    First Stark Varg flying over Bavaria
  13. wwmotors

    Charge Your eBike Silently - Amazing Battery Tech Is Coming from China

    Wau! In my opinion, the only way to charge several bikes at the same time at the track without complaints or discussions from the ICE riders. This is the solution for the poor infrastructure at the tracks without noise and, if solarcharged, even environmentaly the best technic. Must have!
  14. wwmotors

    SOLVED: DC Timeout Code 113 when charging! Something new!

    Update: i ordered a new PCBA for my DCCP at liquid. It turned out, that there was no firmware loaded on the PCBA, so the bike did not recognize the charger. But with MTs loadertab it was possible, to upload the firmware on the DCCP! Just in case, someone will have a similar problem in the...
  15. wwmotors

    Stark 'demo'

    In my opinion, it was a mistake from STARK, to offer a presale. Manufacturers never should sell bikes themself! This should be the dealers job. Otherwise no one will survive. The manufacturer needs the dealership and the dealers only survive, when they earn the percentage!
  16. wwmotors

    SOLVED: DC Timeout Code 113 when charging! Something new!

    Update: After sodering all connections of the plugs and the 2 relais, the bike is charging again! So my assumption was right, that the vibration of MX riding made one or more little cracks in the PCBA. Just in case, someone else, will get the problem! My question to Rashid is now: When trying to...
  17. wwmotors

    SOLVED: DC Timeout Code 113 when charging! Something new!

    Hello Rashid, I checked the PCBA very exactly. There is no part to see, shich got fried or too hot. But the 2 relais on the PCBA are pretty heavy. I had the same issue with the code 113 a few months before, but it solved itself by using another charger, then later both chargers worked again. So...
  18. wwmotors

    SOLVED: DC Timeout Code 113 when charging! Something new!

    Hello Rashid, for sure, i am interested in your DCCP. How much do you want for it shipped to Germany? Am i able to program the DCCP from Liquid with Alta MT? If not, you are my only opinion! Cheers ww
  19. wwmotors

    SOLVED: DC Timeout Code 113 when charging! Something new!

    Update: As usual, Rashid was right! Best man! After checking and measuring through the harness from the chargeport to the DCCP (no issuses), I swapped the DCCP from the EXR to my MXR. Now the MXR is charging again. Does anyone have experience with DCCP problems? I did not find visible damage or...
  20. wwmotors

    SOLVED: DC Timeout Code 113 when charging! Something new!

    Update: So i went back with the loader tab in MT to Firmware-Version 1.4.2 on ACM, BCU, DCCP, Display and Inverter. BRD0 and BRD1 where up to date. I think, BRD has nothing to do with that problem. Then I checked charging. No charging possible. Then back to, no changes. So I have to go...
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