Brought home an EXR yesterday


Active member
I brought home a new EXR yesterday and took it out for a short maiden voyage near Shelton, WA today.

I did about 9 miles of tight technical trails. Wow! I do that ride fairly often, and on my 525 MXC I usually get a pretty good workout. On the EXR I felt like I was just getting warmed up. I didn't realize how much work eliminating the clutch would save.

I stuck with map 1, in the tight technical stuff. I liked the traction control, and it has enough oomph to loft the front tire over a log or root (with a little technique). I never felt like I needed more power until I was out on the short fire road sections. I'm still learning what map I want there, but 2 or 3 seemed like plenty; even map 1 has enough torque to drift the back wheel out a bit in corners.

Tight low traction hill climbs in the trees probably impressed me the most, crawling up stuff I usually have to fight.

Things are getting really dry out where we rode today and I loved that nothing was even warm to the touch when we popped out of the woods and into tall grass areas.

After about an hour and a little over 9 miles I was at about 75 - 80% battery.

So far, I'm really impressed!



Active member
Columbus, Ohio
These EXR's are very impressive in the tight woods - so easy to ride and balance at slow speeds in the super tight stuff. I also like the low motor/battery temperatures - nothing gets hot to the touch which is nice especially when the woods are super dry. Keep us updated on how EXR is working!
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