But love my 2023 Surron Ultra Bee
My Alta MXR I purchased almost 5 years ago. W/ over 320 hours and 3400 so miles. Awesome performance for a little 50 hp electric motorcycle vin trouble free been through countless rear tires and chains and sprockets owned over 60 motorcycles in my life and this is most definitely the most dependable motorcycle I’ve ever had at least for a motocross machine. Just got one of those midsize Surron Ultra Bee
and what bang for the buck. Excellent quality control. It’s fully adjustable little suspension works really well on the single track trails at 187 pounds the bikes power to weight ratio is quite adequate with it three Riding mode, three traction controls, and you’re able to shut it off. A nice headlight US and Canadian models have no tail light or signal lights, but it does have a 17 digit vin so it will be able to register for highway use parentheses Road use. Its little breaks are impressive. More powerful than my MXR‘s Brimbo‘s. Yes the bike in sport mode only goes 56 mph, but it can do it on a wheelie all in all impressed. PS, not an adult motocross machine by no means but a great for a kid over that matter. A girl first timer, but is a great single trail/play like E motorbike, the actual size is like TTR 230 yamaha or CR 230 but much lighter. A little bigger than a big wheel/super mini

My Alta MXR I purchased almost 5 years ago. W/ over 320 hours and 3400 so miles. Awesome performance for a little 50 hp electric motorcycle vin trouble free been through countless rear tires and chains and sprockets owned over 60 motorcycles in my life and this is most definitely the most dependable motorcycle I’ve ever had at least for a motocross machine. Just got one of those midsize Surron Ultra Bee