New Forum Features Added


Staff member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
I have added a few new forum features:

A "Most Likes - Past 7 days" widget and a "Most Likes - Past 7 days" widget.

These widgets are displayed on the right sidebar on the front page in full-size browsers, or at the bottom of the front page in mobile browsers. They recognize our most valued and most active contributors for the last week.

The occasional recognition PMs for a number of posts or likes had to be disabled. But now you and everyone can see your total number or posts and likes in your profile page, and if you click on the titles of these two new widgets on the forum's front page: Most likes - Past 7 days and Most posts - Past 7 days.

We like to read new posts, and we like the liked posts even better! So, keep them coming!

The Profile Posts have been disabled. They were confusing, often misused to send private messages, and were creating a mess at the bottom of the front page. The forum and the personal profiles look nicer and cleaner without them.


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