Racer X Jan. 2019 issue. page 26 Reason for Being- Davey Croombs owns 2 Alta's He's a true believer!


Old and slow, but hopefull!
West Virginia
Yes he is, and that governing body kept Altas from even competing in the open class at Loretta's this year.

There is / was a big thread over on Vital about this very subject. You want some insight as to the thinking of "the powers to be" on the Alta's presence in AMA amateur competition, it is a good read. Although you have to wade through the bullshit that accompanies such threads.

At the time this thread was cranking hard, I did not have an Alta, although I knew one was in my future. I got pretty pissed off at some of DC's comments regarding Alta and comparing electric bikes to the absolute disaster of incorporating four strokes into the field of two strokes in AMA competition. So much so that I did not renew my subscription & picked up Dirt bike & Motocross Action subscriptions.

They f*cked up with this big time. And to make matters worse (with I am sure mfg. pressure to let sleeping dogs lie) they never corrected the mistake and now the 2T is all but dead in AMA Pro competition. DC & his cronies single handedly killed the two stroke. And didn't seem to give a rats ass. Now the masses are saddled with expensive 4T that cost a ton to maintain. This alone is killing amateur competition, although the 2T is making a comeback of sorts, especially in amateur competition.

My position is there is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with the Alta in the age classes. It is a run what you brung kinda class and the Alta should fit right in. But no, DC put the screws to that very fast. And it is well documented in that thread at Vital.

Sure I have aspirations at another shot at Loretta's. Or did. Might have to do it on my Husky. Then the last moto break out the Alta and quietly roost on the competition. Then get loudly disqualified. Would that not be a hoot?


Staff member
Agreed. Definitely "dirty pool" involved in that decision at MX sports. I hate to single the man out but we all know his pull. His recent editorial felt like more of a slap in the face IMO.

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