Range on Moab-type slickrock?


Well-known member
After a few years on my EX, I've got a pretty good handle on my range, and how it changes from tight single track, to open double track to moto tracks. However, I'm finally getting out to Moab for a quick trip this weekend, and I'm curious how the unique terrain is going to affect my range.

If I'm riding on some slickrock trails, would my range get better or worse? I could see it going either way, as I'll have better traction and won't be roosting, but I'll also be able to put way more power down. Anyone have experience with this?


Well-known member
The slickrock isn't a problem, it's the deep sand washes in between. When we rode out there the silckrock was a dream. You can get unbelievable traction on the steepest slope/off camber. When you drop into the low spots where the sand collects, it saps all your power.


Well-known member
The slickrock isn't a problem, it's the deep sand washes in between. When we rode out there the silckrock was a dream. You can get unbelievable traction on the steepest slope/off camber. When you drop into the low spots where the sand collects, it saps all your power.
Great! Sounds like I can just rip around on rocks all day, and bring out my other bike if I want to ride dunes.

Thanks for the insight!


Staff member
I was there back in September, Trialsman pretty much nailed it. The slickrock will give you maximum range, it's those sand washes (which are however extremely fun on an Alta!) that zap the range. If you get to some dunes, don't hesitate to try the Alta, it's a short ride but it was the most fun I've ever had on a dirt bike!


Well-known member
After a few years on my EX, I've got a pretty good handle on my range, and how it changes from tight single track, to open double track to moto tracks.
In some cases, I have turned the tables on "range anxiety". The other side of that coin is the constant mental calculations of how far you can push your range while you are having dirt bike fun. I wonder if it is the same mental satisfaction you might get while navigating from a roadbook on your dirtbike. You are still doing all the dirtbike visceral thrill activities while trying to do a mental sudoku puzzle at the same time.

Jon, if you can stand it, do a lap of the slickrock trail from start to finish and record your ride data so we can get a consumption number and of course, your lap time:ricky:


Well-known member
In some cases, I have turned the tables on "range anxiety". The other side of that coin is the constant mental calculations of how far you can push your range while you are having dirt bike fun. I wonder if it is the same mental satisfaction you might get while navigating from a roadbook on your dirtbike. You are still doing all the dirtbike visceral thrill activities while trying to do a mental sudoku puzzle at the same time.

Jon, if you can stand it, do a lap of the slickrock trail from start to finish and record your ride data so we can get a consumption number and of course, your lap time:ricky:
That is actually my plan. I've only got the one day, and am SEVERELY out of shape, so I think a few Slickrock loop will be the way to go. I'll see if I can get some SOC and mileage data for the loop and bring it back here. Wasn't really planning to bring my multitool, but I'll see about it.


Provo, UT
After a few years on my EX, I've got a pretty good handle on my range, and how it changes from tight single track, to open double track to moto tracks. However, I'm finally getting out to Moab for a quick trip this weekend, and I'm curious how the unique terrain is going to affect my range.

If I'm riding on some slickrock trails, would my range get better or worse? I could see it going either way, as I'll have better traction and won't be roosting, but I'll also be able to put way more power down. Anyone have experience with this?
Slick Rock has been a favorite for years. My 2018 EX will do the expert loop using about 30% of the charge. Then adding the entire “fins’n’things” trail afterwards al left with about 35% remaining charge…And ready to be done for the day. That is about 4.5 hours of a ride in total. The battery will outlast most mortals iif speeds are below 30mph
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