Stark CEO interview February 24


Well-known member
Didn't really know in which thread I should post this so apologies if you need to move it

Anyway, really lengthy interview covering a lot of ground, some great details in there.

The interviewer is enforcer Enduro who did great videos on the range for Enduro.


Johnny Depp

Well-known member
Austin TX
Stark CEO Anton Wass.

New updates in the works in a few months beyond the new range (10% increase?) and new condensed display main page. A premium subscription pay app to be able to lock the power for racing MX1, MX2 etc. Functionality of adjustable power curve, traction control, digital bike lock, virtual flywheel. Some are in testing and some are not yet. Reverse mode being tested, super nice on trails. I-phone app longer range.

Charger is the limitation in recharge time, the bike can charge more than twice that fast. It would require a 3 phase outlet with more power. A fast charge for tracks with proper electrical infrastructure (440v) is possible. Possible revenue stream for tracks.

Taddy did a battery swap since it was quicker than a recharge. Quick Change is not being pursued, cost and weight, he figures less than 5% would want that and you rarely don't have time to charge. The chassis flex and weight distribution are concerns.

Now shipping 1000 bikes per month. Still struggling with a 7 states being accepted as a manufacturer, waiting on beurocracy.

Running Hardware redesigns, pegs (bad batch, supplier switched) and chain guard, inner tubes being updated.

No annual updates, new models will be when there is a real change, small things won't be new models. Enduro and Supermoto are coming. More power available, Supermoto testing was insane. Top speed currently 100mph, doesn't feel like gears are needed. Enduro suspension, tires brands, tubes/moose, handguards, lights that really work, durability, software, navigation, lap modes like CrossBox and Lit Pro. A larger options page for Enduro's to personalize. Of course a horn.

Can see the rider profiles through data collection, cold and hot temps. Seeing how people are using them.

Street is being worked on. Noise is a benefit offroad, not helping on the street. How long do you want to ride? Better to have a lower price and range and lower range. You need to stop to use the restroom anyway.

Honda. Laughing. They reached out to Stark. They visited Barcelona and he visited Japan. Details were private. Honda is moving in that direction. He thinks they won't make the CR-E the production bike. Nothing soon from the big players expected, but a few years away. The Sur Ron light bee created a new market, visionary. The Storm Bee can't compete on an MX track.

The enduro experience with the quiet,smokeless bike is a great experience. Silence a problem in competition? Solution? Discussed at great length. Seb thinks that if they can hear you, they can block you. The overtaker is responsible for not creating an accident. In races they aren't supposed to let you by. No more incidents in AX with the Stark than other bikes, maybe less due to no shifting, fewer mistakes etc.

Merchandise? They are developing clothes, but they will be different, like the bike. A lot of effort has been spent on it. Summer availability. The materials and design will no leather or plastic.

The axe was an exercise in titanium 3d printing.


Well-known member
Good summary!

Honda may get there sooner than he thinks, which would be great for customers... and for enabling racing electrics at the highest level.

The interview was recorded just days before FIM explorer Osaka round where this picture took place.



Well-known member
"pegs (bad batch, supplier switched)" more lies, changed design stronger and more weight.
New and old, left and right.

"They reached out to Stark" yeh right no wonder details were private.
His promises mean nothing still not got what we were promised over 2 years ago.

Johnny Depp

Well-known member
Austin TX
"pegs (bad batch, supplier switched)" more lies, changed design stronger and more weight.
View attachment 10985
New and old, left and right.

"They reached out to Stark" yeh right no wonder details were private.
His promises mean nothing still not got what we were promised over 2 years ago.
I summarized the conversation, but the new design was covered.


Well-known member
Ok your falt then;) :D Even though they admit they are unsafe by re designing them they want you to pay for the stronger ones, not a chance.
You should really listen to the interview (use chapters in video description), they're going to send them for free...


Well-known member
If they look like the one on the left in the photo they are the later ones.

Can not bring myself to watch that slimy salesman, I asked a few times about the later pegs they kept on saying I had to pay for them but in the end they sent them for free.


Well-known member
New updates in the works in a few months beyond the new range (10% increase?) and new condensed display main page. A premium subscription pay app to be able to lock the power for racing MX1, MX2 etc. Functionality of adjustable power curve, traction control, digital bike lock, virtual flywheel. Some are in testing and some are not yet. Reverse mode being tested, super nice on trails. I-phone app longer range.
Not a fan of this, there is zero reason to lock 'race legality' behind a subscription. There's no reason to lock ANYTHING in that discussion behind a subscription. If there is a concern about the cost of cellular connections, the phones support WiFi, make the end user bring a data connection when required.


Well-known member
San Diego
You know the subscriptions are coming….you think the big players will get into e bikes and lose all the revenue they get on valves/top ends/bottom ends/ blown motors? No no, we are gonna pay somehow or some way. Haha.


Well-known member
I hate subscriptions. Makes you feel you don't own anything, you're just renting a service.

I don't want it for my music or softwares, certainly don't want it for my motorcycle.

There might be plenty of reasons to do that instead of reflecting this in the price of the motorcycle itself but the message it sends is that it's not a real motorcycle, it's just another electronic gadget.

And I feel old for saying that 😆


Well-known member
San Diego
I hate subscriptions. Makes you feel you don't own anything, you're just renting a service.

I don't want it for my music or softwares, certainly don't want it for my motorcycle.

There might be plenty of reasons to do that instead of reflecting this in the price of the motorcycle itself but the message it sends is that it's not a real motorcycle, it's just another electronic gadget.

And I feel old for saying that 😆
I agree 100%….im also sick of being squeezed for every dollar by these companies and taxed out of everything. Hard to understand how much more we can take.

Tax what you buy
Tax what you sell
Tax what you own
Tax your pay
Tax you retirement
Tax your investments

But let’s add more more taxes, it’s just for the rich….hahahah

Now all our dirt bikes are gonna be on a 14$ a month subscription that increases every year like our iPhones did. Remember when that was free?

That’s how you boil a frog. Just turn it up slow and he’ll never get out.


Well-known member
New Zealand
I feel this too and I could go on a rant about consumer price inflation and how it's higher than the official stats say but this is a dirt bike forum not an econometrics one.


I bet you pay more than $14 a month on petrol. So you're saving on that.

Stark aren't going to be making money out of selling top end rebuild kits. Or all the other engine parts that a gas bike needs. So I'm ok with a subscription here.


Well-known member
San Diego
I feel this too and I could go on a rant about consumer price inflation and how it's higher than the official stats say but this is a dirt bike forum not an econometrics one.


I bet you pay more than $14 a month on petrol. So you're saving on that.

Stark aren't going to be making money out of selling top end rebuild kits. Or all the other engine parts that a gas bike needs. So I'm ok with a subscription here.
I’ll pass on it. You pay the cost of charging it….its not free. Generator fuel and electric bills are part of this game.

And I’m not worried about when I involve politics because they affect my ability to ride or own any dirt bikes….politics are not isolated to political arenas. They change how I consume food, my freedoms in general and my hobbies…..they are why we can’t ride dirt bikes anywhere in CA anymore.

I think it’s good practice to involve common sense and do away with the head in the sand avoidance approach.

It is however okay to disagree on such topics….i just won’t turn my cheek to the far reaching ill lifestyle changes “politics” create.


Well-known member
New Zealand
Yeah, the politics of dirt bikes and land access seems to quickly devolve into people yelling at each other. I'm hoping we can avoid that here.

I'm in NZ and we don't have the history of motorised access to public land that the US has. Our access is already pretty limited. I'm expecting that quiet electric bikes are only going to help here. Certainly when I'm out on my Sur-Ron, every hiker or hunter I meet has been in favour.

As for cost, I'll be charging at home. Off-peak prices here mean $1.40 a charge. Filling a tank on a 450 at local prices is $20. That's my subscription paid for right here.


Well-known member
I feel this too and I could go on a rant about consumer price inflation and how it's higher than the official stats say but this is a dirt bike forum not an econometrics one.


I bet you pay more than $14 a month on petrol. So you're saving on that.

Stark aren't going to be making money out of selling top end rebuild kits. Or all the other engine parts that a gas bike needs. So I'm ok with a subscription here.

Of course you're right it makes sense.

It's just that personally I would rather pay an extra $500-1000 and do away with $10-15/month plan, purely because of the signal it sends, "you don't own this, you need to pay to play."

Obviously you always need to "pay to play" with dirtbikes, for gas/electricity, tires, maintenance and so on, though in my mind that's quite different from a subscription to your motorcycle manufacturer to get access to a few extra options in a software.

Next you'll have the cheaper subscription, with ads, conveniently displayed on the Stark phone "hey, get your own Stark turtleneck for as little as $50. As a Varg owner, we have a special bonus for you, turn the throttle now to enter the raft and get a chance to win a limited edition signed turtleneck. Watch this 5 min Anton interview before you can start your Varg or you know, you could always take the ad-free premium subscription plan. Hit the brakes twice now to start your 3 months free trial"

Did I already mention I'm not quite onboard with this subscription thing?


Well-known member
San Diego
Of course you're right it makes sense.

It's just that personally I would rather pay an extra $500-1000 and do away with $10-15/month plan, purely because of the signal it sends, "you don't own this, you need to pay to play."

Obviously you always need to "pay to play" with dirtbikes, for gas/electricity, tires, maintenance and so on, though in my mind that's quite different from a subscription to your motorcycle manufacturer to get access to a few extra options in a software.

Next you'll have the cheaper subscription, with ads, conveniently displayed on the Stark phone "hey, get your own Stark turtleneck for as little as $50. As a Varg owner, we have a special bonus for you, turn the throttle now to enter the raft and get a chance to win a limited edition signed turtleneck. Watch this 5 min Anton interview before you can start your Varg or you know, you could always take the ad-free premium subscription plan. Hit the brakes twice now to start your 3 months free trial"

Did I already mention I'm not quite onboard with this subscription thing?
Haha! Really couldn’t have been said any better. I love this.


Well-known member
For me, the big issue is I'm not getting $/mo value out of this, I'm just being charged rent for what capability is already there on the bike.

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