Sold Stark Varg Enduro (18" back tire) for Sale on Ebay $7,900

Ross Shafer

Active member
Petaluma, CA
ouch, big thanks (NOT) to Stark for tanking the value of our first Gen bikes....waited just under 2.5 years for mine (dealer held onto my money for 2 months, so they sure didn't help things! Apparently making flooring payments on time is more important than honesty). 2 weeks after getting it, Stark announced 2 week delivery anywhere in the US, then they lowered the price on the 80hp that time I asked if they'd be offering a free upgrade to 80hp to help with the resale value...of course they said no. A so-cal dealer told me he knows one guy who they did give that freebie too. Love the bike, but damn! Good luck with your sale, hope you don't have to drop the price even more!
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