The "Professional" media goons are silly rabbits!


E powertrain proponent
I’ve listened to every Stark Varg initial press review. Yet to hear anything remotely close to what I feel will be the deciding factor on whether these bikes are adopted by mainstream racing.

Either a special class or against the gassers. Which I highly doubt as currently it’s segregated between 4 & 2 strokes by the manufacturers. As a side note say Stewart is faster on a 2 stroke. The manufacturer will say tuff shit you’re riding a 4 stroke or find another job. Because it’s all about selling bikes.

But back to the Electric motocross bike of Stark Varg. I have been riding E bikes for 15 years. Retired factory R&D pilot. One of the first people to ride the H-D built LiveWire. Built electric bikes. Bought them. My kid has grown up on Electric bikes from 2 years old. If you want development feedback regarding your kid’s E bike talk to Cam. #iridewith_cam

On a gas bike imagine the vehicle going through a 6”deep water puddle the length of the bike at 40mph.

The engine torque characteristics will lower with rpms. Thus lower torque output. A benefit of navigating the obstacle by automatically aiding chassis/vehicle control through the track obstacle the puddle.

On an E bike you need that torque ramp rate/rpm correlation tuning parameter. To ensure the electric vehicle behaves similarly aiding in control ability. Every single Electric vehicle I have experienced did not have the smarts in tuning to provide this. Alta included.

Imagine extreme enduro motorcycling. To navigate a Jap-Zap trials type over large rock. The pilot correlates the exhaust noise/vibration into desired engine torque/power output for the desired obstacle. With electric bike it’s all torque or nothing from zero rpm. Why do you think EM trials electric bike have a clutch?

Imagine traveling through above mentioned track obstacle. The torque is always there! Regardless of rpms. Feeling like you’re always in right gear. Well your right wrist cannot react to a 0.4 second event. Because the short duration event could have massive vehicle control ability issues.

You need that rpm / torque relationship at 95% pace on Electric vehicles. Same vehicle just different power train.

You herd it here first!


Well-known member
I think I understand what you're saying, can you give anoither scenario? One of the media guys wiped out and others mentioned trouble controlling the rear wheel gyroscope mid-air. Electric overspin?


Staff member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
I wish I could understand better what that ideal rpm / torque relationship you think should be. Maybe then we could ask Stark to make it that way.

With electric bike it’s all torque or nothing from zero rpm.
I can roll or ride my Alta into my motovan fast or very slowly, with a much better control than I can ride my gas bikes. It is not all torque or nothing.


Well-known member
One of the major problems I've had with ICE bikes has been hillclimbs, especially the approaches to them. In this case, the short-duration event (approach) could cause massive control issues (bogging, stalling. looping out) on the hill itself.

My Alta doesn't care - it just deals with sand/sticky clay/slick hardpack/whatever and grunts up the hill, allowing me to concentrate on the actual climb and not the shortcomings of my motorcycle. Honestly, the last thing I'd want is a 'bog' algorithm reducing torque upon encountering an obstacle (just my personal preference).


New Hampshire
I wished Kris Keefer could have went, but he wasnt available. They sent Jason Thomas , which the vibe I got from him before hand is that he was a bit skeptical. Listened to The Matthes show review and he seemed to really enjoy riding it...and isnt that what its all about? I think if this thing ever makes it to us it will be a game changer. Let's just hope it isnt too delayed...looking forward to getting mine!

Number Six

Well-known member
What does the phrase ; 'adopted by mainstream racing' mean ?
Allowed by the governing bodies - FIM, AMA & so on. ?
Or .. the riding / buying public in general ? Will it be dismissed far & wide for lack of a clutch ?
Guess time will tell.
I have a particularly steep ravine composed of loose softball & larger sized rocks in mind, gonna throw Varg to the bottom & see if it can make it out .. while raining.



E powertrain proponent
Blake Wharton eluded to some of the issues or tuning requirements that 95% percentile elite level riders will require....

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