Three Alta at the track today

Fog 25

Well-known member
Castaic ca
Mark911, Fod and Fog25 were out at LACR throwing dirt on the Gas bikes👍
Was nice meeting you Mark911 you were looking good on the track. Fod was riding great today also.👍
It was nice to have another Alta rider there to help with all the questions we were getting. I think we need to make up some flyers with all the questions and answer. We’ll have to do it again soon👍


Well-known member
Corona Ca
It was a good day for sure. Looking forward to Gorman. I agree, always lots of questions and interest. Like you two, I've always made my bike available to just about anyone wanted to try it out but it got to the point where everyone but me was riding it! Alta should provide a demo bike to groups like us so our personal bikes don't get hammered as much.

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