I moved a mates phone to another area.
He too has PHDS / top triple clamp. Not sure if it was a special clamp, or he was able to use a KTM one?
Repositioning he wanted was behind and below the bars. With the Stark there's really nothing in that area to stop you.
So, longer Rear PHDS bolts, a spacer between the PHDS captive nut, so to speak, and a washer and Nyloc nut. Then, of course 2 bolts, washers and nuts to hold the Phone mount to the straps . ***This is with the straps going from Below the PHDS**.
With a plate / strap from each, back to the Stark bracket.
I don't have the bike anywhere near me, and, as it was a 'nothing' job for me, I didn't bother to take any pictures - but, it's pretty basic, easily understood, I would think.
I did suggest he might try it mounted behind the bar clamp, oriented more vertically. He opted for the horizontal mounting, but might get me to do (he's somewhat 'challenged' when it comes to making even simple things, such as basic bracketry, but not so when it comes to making $$$$$

) what I suggested, some time soon. For him, and me, It's all about having the Phone out of the way from damage (well, as much as possible), but still easily accessible. With that, I'd do a RA plate / bracket from the top of the PHDS (or std) clamp.
Just giving people here some other ideas - This rearward orientation, would be applicable with std Stark Clamps set ups, I would think, thus getting the phone a bit more out of the way.
PS : don't forget with PHDS, the 'travel' of the bars / top of the clamps with any orientation, and thus, anything that is attached to them - it's only 3 to 4 mm, at the most, to my recollection, but, it should be considered.