At the Tipping Point


Seattle, WA
So I have been reading reviews, test riding and all around really wanting to buy an Redshift EX. I just need a little push (info) to jump right in. Figured you all could help.

Background is I rode dirt bikes from the time I was 8 to the time I left for college - mostly YZ's. Never raced but had 200 acres of orchard that bordered riding-friendly forest service property. The last two years, my daughter and sons are now into riding, and I bought a TW200 just to putt around with them for the last couple of years.

As for today, the kids aren't putting around so much as riding around. I am looking for the next bike now and want something fun but low maintenance. Time is the scarcest resource at this stage of my life, and adjusting valves, changing oil means less riding. Most rides are less than an hour on our property, but we do go out and do some 2-3 hour trail rides. Not a requirement, but I would like the option to commute to work on nice days - not a daily commute but 1x per week in the summer. My commute is 38 miles round trip max speed of 40mph w/ 3-4 miles of stop and go. The other option I am looking at is a WR250R.

So do you think an Alta would be good given the above? I can get a good deal from my dealer on an '18 EX w/ std charger or I am now seeing the EXR. I don't need the power, but if it has more range it would be of interest (saw it charges faster). Also the EXR seat height is appealing at 5'8".


Well-known member
I say you should be on your way to the dealer already. If the TW has worked ok for you, then I assume youre not a wide open type rider and you should get the desired 2-3 hour ride time from it. I also think since the property is close to home, you know how to cut the ride short if need be, and get back safely.
I have an MX, but based on others input of range the EX seems to be right at the edge of what you need. The minimal stop and go is helpful, but still seems close? Is charging at work an option if need be?


Seattle, WA
I was at the dealer this weekend :)! But the EXR launch held me back. Otherwise I would be in some post-purchase explaining to the other half. I saw the 50 mile range on the EXR press release but now I see that was the claim for the EX so looks like no gain.

Great question on the charging time at work. I work for tech company and we have charging stations in the parking lot. I just checked and they don't have 120 or 240v plug just the car plugs. I did see some 120 plugs located around the garage, so if I get there early, could plug in. What does the charger way if I am carrying it to work? The deal I can get is on the std charger EX. I would not be able to ensure this is a dedicated plug, should I worry (read that it should be dedicated in the manual).

My riding style has definitely mellowed and my area seems perfect for turning around if the battery needs attention. I am looking to ride more open (TW was purchased with +kid riding) but that said are riding area is mostly Western Washington forest single track.


Staff member
All B.S. aside it sounds like an EX would be a nice fit for your needs. If low maintenance is a factor for you than these Altas (from everything we know so far) are ideal. The chargers are somewhat heavy and bulky (off the top of my head I'd say 20ish pounds), so that might not work hauling it with everyday. Not impossible but wouldn't be convenient.

I'm not sure I understand your question on the dedicated plug?


Well-known member
My thought train is the money not spent on EXR could be used to purchase a second standard charger and kept at work. For a few hundred bucks, I’d do that before lugging one along. But a couple round trips would determine if you even need to charge. Or the charger could be brought back and forth the day before and day after a work ride in your car.


Staff member
Sorry, I meant the plug is on a dedicated circuit. Was typing fast.

No problem. Ideally but not necessary to be on a dedicated circuit. It’s just because of the amp draw of the charger, if there are any other high draw appliances on the circuit you might kick the breaker.

There are a few MXR guys that might be willing to sell a standard charger if it comes to you wanting to buy a second charger. Hopefully you wouldn’t even need it.


Seattle, WA
My thought train is the money not spent on EXR could be used to purchase a second standard charger and kept at work.

I like your thinking. The one my dealer is willing to discount includes the std charger. 120v looks to be my only option at work, but I am here for 8-10 hours so plenty of time for a charge.

Now, the rapid charger for home and in the field (have a Honda 6500 120/240v portable generator) where charge time matters more would be a nice bonus. And even then the EX+extra charger would still be less than the EXR. Hmmm


Well-known member
Boise, ID, United States
I have an EX that I ride on trails, fire roads and commute on. 40 miles at 45 or less should not be a problem. I regularly commute 20 miles round trip to work and back on a little lees than half a battery at the same speeds (max of 50 mph). The most I have gone is 48 miles, but I just putting along at about 20 mph because I was riding with a buddy and our wives were on ATVs. While my ego says I would like a EXR, I spend most of my riding time in map 1 or 2, so an EXR would be a waste for me. I wouldn't use the extra power or better suspension and I don't think it has any extra range since the battery is the same size. I do like the idea of two chargers though. Charging at work would allow you to explore and take a longer ride on the way home. :ricky: The EX is an amazing bike and the extra charger would allow you to blast all the way home. I love the bike, so go for it!


Staff member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
If you value your time, and if your rides are short like you are describing, definitely get an EX over a WR250R.

Also, riding with others is so much more fun on an electric. I bet your kids will be bugging you to borrow and ride your bike. The bike is just a pleasure to own and ride around.


Well-known member
I also think that your requirements are perfect for the EX. I'd start with the standard charger, and only if it won't be enough, get a second one.
The bike is a pleasure to ride.


Well-known member
Union, KY 41091
rbjammin, here's what I did when I was at your "tipping point". There is a small market for 2017 used/demo MX's. They are bargain priced ($7-8K). Mine had 17 hrs on it, and 300 miles. Former owner upgraded to an MXR. I have plated dirt bikes before, so I bought a used 2017 MX, spent $300 and converted it to basically an EXr, and have $$$ left over for upgrades (bark busters, skid plate, smaller counter sprocket, ect.) I like the second charger idea! GOOD LUCK.


Seattle, WA
Thanks for all the feedback. You have pushed me past my tipping point, so now I just have to convince the other half (not my only expensive hobby :). Which means it is "when" not "if." Really want to take advantage of the pricing I can get now, but an EXR wouldn't hurt.

Anyone know about federal tax credits on this bike for electric vehicles? From my research, it seems we don't know if there will be 2018 credits on this bike. But am not sure I was reading tax info correctly.


Well-known member
Unfortunate! There's no federal tax credit. Last I know of there were only a couple states still offering a statewide credit.


Seattle, WA
Unfortunate! There's no federal tax credit. Last I know of there were only a couple states still offering a statewide credit.
Thanks! Washington is not one of those states. With Amazon/Microsoft HQs and Google/Facebook regional offices there is no need to provide incentives. Teslas are everywhere, I forget when I travel they aren't that common.
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