Tesla Battery


Well-known member
I would love another Electric dirtbike but I’m not spending any money on anything electric until the capacity is at least 15kwh and the same weight or less


Staff member
I mostly agree with the above. If a major player came out with a bike tomorrow, I still wouldn’t want it unless there is a substantial improvement in one area or another. I feel Altas will be the gold standard for a good while yet.


"You don't *really* need the water pump...."
Forum's Sponsor
I mostly agree with the above. If a major player came out with a bike tomorrow, I still wouldn’t want it unless there is a substantial improvement in one area or another. I feel Altas will be the gold standard for a good while yet.

I agree completely. I'd be surprised if anyone comes out with a better electric bike in the next 2-4 years.


Well-known member
Forum's Sponsor
South San Francisco, CA
Tesla's new 4680 cells would be great on an Alta. The higher energy density would help, but the tabless construction allows the heat to be effectively dissipated from the top and the bottom of the cells. Thermal management is now, well, manageable.

There was some talk about going open source with the Alta components. As far as I'm aware, all of the individual components that make up the inverter, ACM, BCUs, etc. are commercially available, and all of them have open source software. What Alta did that was amazing was package all of these components, design a motorcycle that works well with all of those components, and then create the software to make all of those components work together.

In theory, someone could start over with the software. Wipe clean the components, load the manufacturers' software, start over. All of this is out of my reach. I think there might two or three people on this forum that are capable of this, but who has the time? Even if we raised $100k, it's still more than a years work. And why? There are less than a thousand Altas out there. Hell, they made more DeLoreans than Altas!

I still think breaking Alta's encryption is the path of least resistance, but again, I'm not capable, as nearly all of us here are not capable.

Maybe someday we can make a Tesla cell powered, 100 mile range, 75 hp Alta. I'll definitely keep mine, hoping for that day.

So getting new cells is one thing.
Putting them together is another thing. The HVPCBA would flat out not work would have to be completely re-engineered. Thats the other side of the coin. Wire bonding? Maybe...might have to do a different way of welding/joining the cells together. But once again. How to get the cells? There going to be on Tesla's priority for years. The likely hood you can go to your "Jehu Garcia" or EV West to get cells will be slim. Until you find crashed ones.

A 100k would be laughable to a vehicle software guy. Seriously. You would have to find someone whos very passionate or just wants a contract job. Maybe now in COVID era. Its been now two years since Alta went and its been a menagerie of piecing different Alta boxes together. No custom stuff. And it might stay that way for a long time. (Reality). With the low volume that was made its not potentially worth it either.
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