Code 37 second time.


Well-known member
Ontario, Canada
The easiest way to replace is to flip the bike over and remove the bottom battery cover, without removing battery completely, correct? So let me ask this, I've read that this can be a false reading. If I replace the bag, will the code go away if it is a false reading? Or at that point will I need MT to clear the code? I'm guessing I should start with MT to make sure it's not a firmware issue.

Start by hooking up MT and check humidity as a reference. (you will need MT to clear code)

Replacement sealant (CRL Sunroof Butyl Sealant Tape /
Replacement silica packs (Mc Master-Carr# 2189K17)

No need to flip bike.
Remove lower guard for better access. warm battery (aluminum) to loosen sealant (try not to heat plastic cover as much to prevent warpage). I usually start and try to warm two sides, then gently start to separate cover in a corner. Once it starts to separate, warm more as you go along.
Clean old sealant off cover and case (PITA)
Replace silica pack (metal retainer has sharp edges and as @snydes mentioned, remove burrs, I also covered mine with electrical tape before re-install)
Install new sealant and re-install cover.


AOF Addict
Altoona, PA
Thanks. It looks like the Alta cable is on a bit of a backorder, so I'll probably just continue to ride it until I can get a cable and MT running.


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
Thanks. It looks like the Alta cable is on a bit of a backorder, so I'll probably just continue to ride it until I can get a cable and MT running.
There are quite a few AOF members with MT laptops in the PA area. Maybe one of them might be located near to you.

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