Red Bull Romaniacs introduces Adventure motorcycle and eMoto Classes for 2025


Well-known member
That's great, testing the waters in 24 and creating the category in 25.

"Approximate distances will be in the region of 30 km from the Start to the Service Point and slightly less to reach the Finish, with consideration given to the technicality and types of tracks determining the strategy that will be applied."

"2025 will be the pioneering year for eMotos to compete at any five day enduro rally level and while the potential is great, demand is still lower bringing about a lot of room to improve the strategies and places Red Bull Romaniacs in the spotlight for growing and developing this sector into the extreme world of Hard Enduro."

That's great from them to help develop and prove the technology, to give it some space to race competitively, will be a serious test of man and machine. Pro class and hobby class, maybe there won't be too many riders but it will only grow from there.


Well-known member

"To help you select the right class and give you a race experience that will provide a life time memory, we have prepared a few recommendations.
All internal combustion engine(ICE) race classes generally cover between 70-150 kilometres, electric eMoto between 35-60 Kilometres of terrain per day and include a normal mandatory break of 20-30 minutes for ICE engines at the service point, eMoto's will stay longer for battery charging/ changing batteries.
The estimated riding time is similar for all classes and averages at around 4-10 hours."

Not sure how this would work is it a clover leaf type event so you return to a central refuelling/ recharging point or do you need your team meeting up with you at different locations? If clover leaf Maybe Stark future would step in with a big quiet 3 phase generator to fast charge (or faster than the 2 hours with 240v) all of the starks competing in this event, I do think for this kind of thing to take off this is what is required or are the organisers going to provide a power supply.

Another option would be to run 2 bikes riding one whilst the other is on charge, sounds mad but they did it in formula E up until a few years ago, that way you could maybe do the same distances as the ICE bikes as long as the recharging points worked in.

I was supposed to do the romaniacs a few years ago I was entered but had to pull out which is why they send me these E mails each year, From memory there is a quite long Liason from the town and back each day not sure how this will work in. Lots of questions but E motos need events to work around there range but no doubt the organisers are aware of that.


Europe's arsehole
Romaniacs race more or less lost the plot of what it wants to be.
Every year there is a significant alteration to the format while trying to 'make it harder', as if racing it isn't interesting enough.
It's a shame because it could have been a really nice multi day Enduro-Rally without the shenanigans of the Prologue and similar stunts for the cameras.

There are EV bikes racing (i.e. participating) in the Dakar race, so if accommodations for their short range can be made in the middle of the desert, there shouldn't be much trouble in Romania.


Well-known member
Wild guesses:

The official Stark pro riders would stick to the usual, swap batteries in a couple of minutes. Which is not practical for amateurs due to the impossibility to charge the battery as a standalone.

They've arranged charging points for some amateur races in the US so either somehow there would be electrical outlets available or they'd just allow competitors to run generators (easier and cheaper than running 2 bikes).


Europe's arsehole
Wild guesses:

The official Stark pro riders would stick to the usual, swap batteries in a couple of minutes. Which is not practical for amateurs due to the impossibility to charge the battery as a standalone.

That's how Eddie Karlsson has been doing it in some races in Sweden. He still managed to catch and lap everyone despite lost time.

As for amateurs swapping batteries, it doesn't look pretty at best of times. :LOL:

I've been reading about portable generators, and it seems like a 1% of charge per 1 minute is possible at room temperature.
Hot and nearly discharged battery is another matter.

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