The Forum's New Milestone!


Staff member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
We have reached 200 members, 400+ threads and 5,000+ posts!

It's amazing, it appears that we are at least as active as the Zero owner forums that I was able to find. There is definitely a lot of interest out there in Alta products. Now Alta just needs to build and sell more bikes to take over the world! :D

The gas bikes' owners will warm up to the electric idea eventually. It is just a matter of time.


Chief Engineer
Northern Michigan
I'm sure there will be many more milestones to come. As a new member of this forum (who won't even have his EXR till next summer), I gotta say there are a lot of really nice folks here. Just good information from enthusiastic riders embracing some really cool tech from Alta.

Hey Philip, if you have the time late next summer (when I'm off the ship) come on up to my neck of the woods in Cheboygan and check out the trails at the Black Mountain recreation area. You can give me some pointers on non-Ice riding!


Staff member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
Hey Philip, if you have the time late next summer (when I'm off the ship) come on up to my neck of the woods in Cheboygan and check out the trails at the Black Mountain recreation area. You can give me some pointers on non-Ice riding!
Thank you for the invitation! I love Northern Michigan in the summer. I have never been to the west of I-75 though, if you do not count Machinac Island, so I should definitely visit. Let me know as soon as you get your Alta!


New member
I am a couple months into being a member and have nothing to say yet. I am hoping by next spring I’ll have plenty to comment on.. (2019 MXR in my future)..


Well-known member
If You Build It, They will come ! Learning, knowledge, & understanding Alta Motors Redshift Electra motorcycles brought me here. Thank you AndyB, Philip, & Snydes for all your work building the Forum ! Thank you Alta Motors for building the Redshift ! Thank you my friends to everyone who reads, writes, & enjoys this forum as we build a Future of Faster Forum together.


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
We just broke into the 800’s today! I’m happy with what we have built here, lots of good people and resources all helping to keep these bikes relevant. Viva la Alta! :D
That's a pretty good ratio of members to actual bikes in the wild! I wonder how many AOF members are (still) owners? I know a number of us have multiple bikes, but that sure sounds like a great representation of total owners out there, percentage-wise.

As was stated before, I have never been on any forum that has such a high concentration of both knowledgeable and helpful members. That says a lot about the site and the community. If it wasn't so well organized and helpful, we wouldn't have as many members. That is even more impressive given the fact that the company no longer exists. Kudos to the admins and the active members for keeping it going.


Geezer in denial
Lake Hartwell, SC
That is interesting... I wonder what percentage of the bikes produced are represented here. Way more than half apparently.

There was some brief discussion in a thread quite a while back about establishing a registry of the bikes represented on the forum, however I don't think it ever gained any momentum. I couldn't relocate that info with a few quick searches.

If there is interest, I would be glad to maintain such a list and keep the latest version posted. It might be a good item to include in a 'Members Only' forum.


Staff member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
I could create a subforum that is not seen by the rest of the internet, no problem. Open it to either registered members, or to verified members, or to those with actual Alta bikes who join the bike registry. How would this benefit us? Is there anything that we would want to talk about in that subforum that we don't want the rest of the internet to see?

@leeo45, @snydes -- The members need to be sold on this idea for it to become successful. Feel free to create a new thread, if needed.


Staff member
The benefit of registries would be for tracking known histories of bikes as well as another way to track stolen vehicles serial numbers. They are common in the collector car world, I’m just not sure how well it would translate here. These bikes arguably are already a “collectors item”. It was just a thought.


Geezer in denial
Lake Hartwell, SC
I could create a subforum that is not seen by the rest of the internet, no problem. Open it to either registered members, or to verified members, or to those with actual Alta bikes who join the bike registry. How would this benefit us? Is there anything that we would want to talk about in that subforum that we don't want the rest of the internet to see?

@leeo45, @snydes -- The members need to be sold on this idea for it to become successful. Feel free to create a new thread, if needed.

I was thinking along the same lines as Snydes comment. And to be honest it was mostly a curiosity.

The reason I threw out the idea of a members-only subforum for the registry was that someone had mentioned in the past (possibly in one of the code 36 threads) a reservation about having their bike info visible to the world. If visibility to the registry was limited to registered forum members, or as you said, confirmed owners then this concern might be mitigated. I suppose there could be some risk to having this information posted along with the member location map if our bikes become a widespread target for theft.

I don't know if there is any real benefit to such a subforum. Some other boards use it for classified ads to limit spam and increase integrity in those transactions. Also for forum/admin feedback and personal requests or notifications to the membership. I always just assume anything I put on the interwebs is visible to the entire online world for posterity and limit what I post accordingly.

We could limit the posted registry to screen name, model, and last three numbers of the VIN to avoid any personal info. Or expand to include things like modifications, faults/codes, link to a picture, etc., etc. People could send their data in a PM or post in the thread.

And I completely agree that if there isn't widespread interest or if there are valid concerns about sharing the info then I don't think it would be a worthwhile activity. I'll post a new thread to see if there is any interest.

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