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  1. L


    Yea I think if they were just going under then it would be announced as such. The lack of statement means they are trying to work out deals I'm sure. An investor could easily find a post on a forum like this and use it as a negotiating tactic, so not surprised at the radio silence. I'll just...
  2. L


    I'm in Oregon btw, I know 2 dealers that still have Alta's (Hillsboro motosport and Power Motosports) both are very close to me. Let me know if I can be of help.
  3. L


    I'm In a similar boat, but if you're like the 2 Gentlemen on here that currently have an error code and can't use their bikes then it doesn't seem like such a good deal. That's why I haven't pulled the trigger yet
  4. L


    Thanks for the reply, I ride MX only, 30+ C rider. So to your point about being able to have a homebrew fix, do you think that would apply to things like error codes that currently require a dealer? Broken LCD screens and throttle tubes? Those are my main concerns. I ride alot, maybe 150 motor...
  5. L


    It's only the bike I want if I can maintain and ride it for many years......
  6. L


    I'm a potential customer trying to take the bullet lol! I don't mind paying for parts either, I just want to know that they will actually be available before diving in. Hence why I'm on this forum and I don't even own the bike, that's how much I want one :)
  7. L


    Yes I've been reading through the forums and it seems like the dealer has to update the firmware with a LCD replacement.... If there is a workaround thats great, but if not I'm having a really hard time pulling the trigger on buying one of these which is sad because I absolutely love how the...
  8. L


    Appreciate this info Mark. As someone who is on the fence right now about picking one of these up, I'm a little more concerned about items that would be easily damaged in a crash. Namely the throttle tube and LCD control panel on the bars. Are there 3rd parties making those components?
  9. L

    POLL - Have you had problems that required support from Alta Motors?

    I am very curious about this. Thinking about picking up a 18 MXR this week from my local dealer. I'm worried about the availability to get parts if/when I break them when crashing, such as throttle tube, dash screen etc. Software updates and glitches. How available are these parts in the...
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