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  1. massive505

    Foot peg compatibility with other brands

    Ah yes I forgot, good call
  2. massive505

    Foot peg compatibility with other brands

    Yes body kit includes everything
  3. massive505

    Cold weather storage

    Definitely keep it inside above 40 degrees
  4. massive505

    Stark Varg cutting out / fan related

    Ecu goes off amp draw for fan. Stupid
  5. massive505

    Stark Varg cutting out / fan related

    No lights no errors nothing. It will store the codes though. Email stark and they will send you a new fan, they know it’s a problem
  6. massive505

    Stark charger only puts out 3amps now

    Then why is it taking twice as long to charge now after I did the update?
  7. massive505

    Stark charger only puts out 3amps now

    I would agree except, it only changed after the update
  8. massive505

    Stark charger only puts out 3amps now

    I would want to agree with you, but the problem is, it was charging twice as fast before the update
  9. massive505

    Stark charger only puts out 3amps now

    It would do 6 amps before the update on 110
  10. massive505

    Stark charger only puts out 3amps now

    So I just tested charging using 240v 50 amp service and the charger will now push out higher amps again. Requesting 10 amps yields @8amps of charge. My conclusion is that Stark made a change in the update that no longer allows over 3 amps to be pulled off of 110 v, I hope this helps anyone...
  11. massive505

    Stark charger only puts out 3amps now

    I’m guessing they did limit it in the update. I’m testing with 240 later today to confirm. Will post results tonight. Thanks everyone for the comments and thoughts
  12. massive505

    Stark charger only puts out 3amps now

    I was definitely getting more amps before, takes forever to charge now
  13. massive505

    Stark charger only puts out 3amps now

    My issue is that I have been charging on 110 and getting the 6amps when the 6amps was requested on the app. I’m thinking the update I did 3 days ago is the cause of this issue. Hoping to get some feedback here on this thread
  14. massive505

    Stark charger only puts out 3amps now

    No, I know the difference. But speaking of, even if I request 4 amps on slow, it won’t do that either
  15. massive505

    Stark charger only puts out 3amps now

    My charger only puts out @3amps now plugged into 110. I have only ever requested @6-7 amps on the app for charging since I got the bike in February and it’s always put out that amp range for charging on 110. But for some reason now it only puts out @amps no matter what I request on the app...
  16. massive505

    Check your Stark Varg charger plug

    I cut the whole thing out so it only a short little 110 male that sticks out of the charger now. Thanks for the info
  17. massive505

    Check your Stark Varg charger plug

    So if I cut the female plug coming out of the charger, and just want to wire a US female 110 plug on there permanently, which wires do i switch? Thanks
  18. massive505

    Foot peg compatibility with other brands

    So I got the new fastway ext pegs that they finally released and they fit good. The bushings they provided in the fit kit were too long so I ground them down and that solved that problem. Springs are hinky, but they work.
  19. massive505

    Stark Varg cutting out / fan related

    If anyone is having their Stark cut out while riding, I replaced my fan and that stopped it from happening. The fan motor bushing was getting noisy prior to the computer deciding to shut we down.
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