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  1. R

    For Sale Alta MX wheel set 21" front 19" rear $400

    Excel Blue rims, rear wheel includes sapcers, sprocket, rotor with Dunlop tire, front is wheel only. Both wheels in excellent condition. Would love a bay area buyer, prefer not to ship. Located in Petaluma.
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    For Sale Alta Stuff you need!

    Sold my Alta MXR a while back, but still have a bunch of stuff the new owner didn't want. All this stuff is in excellent condition and is new or nearly so. MX Wheels 19" rear w/sprocket & brake rotor, 21" front no rotor or tire : $500 Metzler 6 Days Extreme tire set 19" and 21" : $70...
  3. R

    For Sale or Trade Want to trade 2018 MXR for Hardinge HLVH lathe or copy

    Of course this is a longshot, but I know there's other machinists on this forum, so I figured it can't hurt to throw it out there. The bike has around 1600 miles, no alarms, LHRB, extra wheels with new (sm and MX) fast charger...and a few spare bits. Not interested in anything but a Hardinge...
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    For Sale or Trade 1988 Matsuura MC510V CNC mill with tons of tooling

    WTF....advertising machine tools here.....can't hurt I figure. No doubt there's quite a few Alta owners that know their way around CNC machines. Those that don't already have one in their shops need one! This is a turn key machine, move it in, give it some juice and start makin' chips! Comes...
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    Want to buy On order, close 'er up

    figured it didn't hurt to ask before I put something else together. Would also be interested in a 9mm Brembo clutch master. Thanks
  6. R

    Want to buy Alta wanted in NorCal....GOT ONE, close 'er up

    I'm in Petaluma, anybody selling one? Thanks, Ross Shafer scoboniATcomcastDOTnet
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