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  1. F


    I tried buying the new EX Handguards on Stark's website to no avail. Here is my email to them: Hello how do I buy the EX handguards? The way you guys designed the original I can't find any handuards that will fit right due to lack of space to mount them to the handle bars. Tired of getting my...
  2. F

    TAKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alpha Now only $10,900 OTD

    My letter to Stark: I just wanted to say I feel totally taken for supporting you guys as an early adopter and being one of the first people to place an order years ago to only have you drop the price of the bike by $3000 within months of receiving mine!!!!!!! I literally still owe more on my...
  3. F

    Phone cradle foam

    Anyone else have the phone cradle foam just fall off? I ordered another one still haven't got a tracking number over a week later. The right foam pad literally just blew off during transport. I think I am going to glue the new one on this time to avoid this from happening again as it doesn't...
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