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  1. mbw479

    NEW! STARK VARG EX is here!

    Have they released what springs will be used on different weight variations yet?
  2. mbw479

    General Cf moto cx5e not charging

    Righto, I am talking about the CF Moto CX5e though, interesting that Cobra have a bike with the exact same model name.
  3. mbw479

    General Cf moto cx5e not charging

    Found the problem… was charging they just charged incredibly slowly.
  4. mbw479

    General Cf moto cx5e not charging

    Has anyone had a cx5e that wouldn’t charge? This one has been on charge for an hour with no increase in charge. Charger has solid red light on it and is humming, but battery still on one bar.
  5. mbw479

    2025 Stark Varg rumors, changes, etc.

    I expect they will announce the mx models will start being delivered with the bigger battery soon.
  6. mbw479

    Varg Down on power - Thermal Limiting

    It takes a fair bit of wide-open throttle to thermal limit the Varg, I have done it twice in 30hrs of riding. The first time I was doing top speed runs on a beach, I held it flat out for 800M (1/2 mile) then turned around and did it again immediately, on the 4th run it thermal limited. The...
  7. mbw479

    Battery in the future

    Has anyone tried to open up the battery pack yet? Could the cell be replaced with the P50B by someone with the normal skill to repack a battery without the increased capacity causing any other issues to the controller etc?
  8. mbw479

    Enduro Set up?

    1. Are stock tubes useable or should I swap to Mousse/Tubliss? Throw the stock tubes away they are useless, run whatever you have on other bikes in the past and are happy with. 2. Best Handguards/Brushguards? or will anything fit? Any 3. I hear some people say stock springs are too stiff (made...
  9. mbw479

    RE: Stark - My conversation with Mike Burkeen, AMA Deputy Director of Racing

    The biggest problem I have with the Stark is that it is so easy and fun to ride that I don't like riding my 250 2T or 350 4T anymore. I am in Australia where Motorcycling Australia have allowed them to compete against ICE bikes, they have been going well in all divisions. However, I haven't...
  10. mbw479

    The big Stark Varg supermoto information topic

    If you do get more speed out of it let me know, I am curious to see what speed they can pull in ideal conditions. I will try again since the new update has increased peak HP.
  11. mbw479

    The big Stark Varg supermoto information topic

    Mine with 14/40 below, it still accelerated quickly but I suspect it was doing just over 12000rpm rather than the 14200rpm it can do with appropriate gearing.
  12. mbw479

    Update with reverse/crawl mode

    Thats good, I had map 1 at 15hp just for loading the bike in the back of the car, this will free up another map for riding. I think crawl mode is high torque low speed as well which will be handy in tight spots in the hills.
  13. mbw479

    The big Stark Varg supermoto information topic

    My chain slider did wear pretty quickly with 14/40, however I never ran it for long because it would not pull that gearing to full rpm. How did you go with that gearing? Apart from the slider wear.
  14. mbw479

    Graphics Kit Templates for Stark Varg

    Does anyone have the standard logo files?
  15. mbw479

    Update with reverse/crawl mode

    How long does each crawl mode stay engaged? Once engaged do you have to push a button for it to go back to a normal mode or does it time out in crawl mode? Thanks
  16. mbw479

    Post Your ***STOCK*** Stark Varg Suspension Clicker Settings!

    I did similar, I asked for 85kg suspension even though I'm 95kg (I ride mostly enduro). However, I still got the 5.0n fork springs. I have just had the fork and shock revalved, the valving was a big contributor to the stiffness, the valving alone has made a much smoother ride.
  17. mbw479

    New charging point.

    Much better
  18. mbw479

    Varg Down on power - Thermal Limiting

    They need all the cells to get the operating voltage up as they are connected in series.
  19. mbw479

    Varg Down on power - Thermal Limiting

    IGBT, by feel it is hot…..
  20. mbw479

    Varg Down on power - Thermal Limiting

    Thats on hard packed deco too......Around here a flat track race is normally 4 laps, max 4 minutes so it will be fine. Different events can be much longer though. There is an event I do every year that is a barrel race with barrels 700M apart, the race takes 4 minutes, the varg would not be able...
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