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  1. BeardyTroll

    The big Stark Varg supermoto information topic

    5" fits just fine, no reason to run 4.25" sure it takes just a little finesse to get it past the caliper but dropping in from the top makes it pretty easy. Im running 160/60-17 on a 5" and everything clears, no chain bite. Gearing at 15/45 means you don't need to break the chain and it doesn't...
  2. BeardyTroll

    The big Stark Varg supermoto information topic

    I wonder how the sand/water surface and knobbies affect things. In my case I'm running 17's on street tires on hard pavement. I'm pretty sure the reduced rolling resistance would let it pull all the way to redline with 14/40. Just based on the numbers I would think 80hp should be good to around...
  3. BeardyTroll

    The big Stark Varg supermoto information topic

    Didn't really get an opportunity to find the top, was just messing around and hadn't put much thought or research into gearing. Noticed the slider wear and started looking into fixes. But even if it couldn't pull that gear at the top it was still ridiculous at 80hp, throttle curve still too...
  4. BeardyTroll

    The big Stark Varg supermoto information topic

    Some great info in this thread, but wondering if you guys are seeing the chain slider getting chewed up with 40t rears? I was testing a 14/40 setup and found the chain slider was getting eaten pretty there a harder UHMW option or just let it eat and replace as needed? or is it lower...
  5. BeardyTroll

    Tunability - Subscription or Deception

    I was pretty ok with the range also, my outing was ~44miles of super flowy single track with minimal elevation, and modest tech sections. Started 100% ended 16%, but the riders battery was fully 0%. That part is great, but also I can tell there is a lot more regen available, and more range is...
  6. BeardyTroll

    Tunability - Subscription or Deception

    I really appreciate your comments on the subject, and I don't want to keep beating the dead horse, but I'm still confused on how the concept of monthly fees was covered in that video. The only point where I think one could have reasonably inferred monthly costs based on what they were talking...
  7. BeardyTroll

    Tunability - Subscription or Deception

    Many thanks for pointing to the existing thread, unfortunately, I have no new information, just a ton of questions. Which now 2 years on from that thread is a little surprising, and somewhat concerning. And again I still cannot find any of this information other than buried deep in a forum...
  8. BeardyTroll

    Tunability - Subscription or Deception

    Am I the only one that got surprised by the subscription requirement to be able to access the tunability features originally posted in the launch video? Back when I placed my deposit there was no mention of it that I could find on the marketing pages and only a casual reference to subscription...
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