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  1. Voozee

    Stark varg “tumbling” noise

    I think this is normal. Mine does a similar thing at slow speed . its not very loud though and I can only hear it if there is no other ambient noise. I was just chalking it up to play in the gearbox. my bike has 5 hours on it. Could always contact stark about it as well and see if they can...
  2. Voozee

    Chain slack

    Yes this is done on OEM Stand. Bike completely unweighted. Hopefully ReVolter can chime in and confirm his measures similarly
  3. Voozee

    Chain slack

    Here is the final product using ReVolters tool. Chain sits comfortably on the 25mm notch, and if I pull hard I can get it to just get it to slide onto the 32mm notch. From a finger prospective, I can only get two fingers w/small gap in right behind the chain slider. This is tight as I can bring...
  4. Voozee

    Thread Dedicated to Keeping Track of Firmware Versions

    Contacted Stark and they replied almost instantly. Me: Today my bike did a lengthy update to version 1.0.218. I took the bike for a quick ride and did not notice anything different. Was curious what has changed? and is this the most up to date version for the VARG mx? Stark: Thank you for...
  5. Voozee

    Thread Dedicated to Keeping Track of Firmware Versions

    My bike updated today to 1.0.218 Phone is on 1.0.185 (416) Living in US Took the bike for a quick spin up and down the street. Did not notice anything different. Would be very interested in patch notes if anybody finds anything.
  6. Voozee

    Chain slack

    Ahh... understood. Thanks for the detail. Helps a lot.
  7. Voozee

    Chain slack

    Seems pretty close when I hold it directly behind the chain guide. Could you confirm these measurements when you have a chance.
  8. Voozee

    Chain slack

    Awesome thanks for clarifying. Ill give it a shot.
  9. Voozee

    Chain slack

    Thanks ReVolter, Just printed it out myself. I read your other post about how to use the reference mark and tried it out on my bike. I am still about 5mm above the 32mm mark. I know its the spec but it just seems insanely tight. When you set yours, is your chain so tight on the 25m notch that...
  10. Voozee

    Post here your Stark Varg issues (or not!)

    Thanks Theo, I guess i was a little confused on the update process I thought it would be flashing in "standby mode". Anyways just did the update in my garage. Everything seems good. light is flashing green now.
  11. Voozee

    Post here your Stark Varg issues (or not!)

    hmm... I'm not having any connectivity issues, and seen a few other bikes on Youtube blinking yellow in neutral. Phone connects and charges as normal. Says in the manual that neutral can be Green, Yellow, or Magenta. Hopefully everything is fine. Ill reply back if stark says otherwise.
  12. Voozee

    Post here your Stark Varg issues (or not!)

    Update on my situation. Battery took 11 days to get here because of the recent freezing weather event, and it was also shipped economy not priority which was a little disappointing I must admit. Installed the new battery in about 30 minutes with a friend. Fairly impressed with how easy the...
  13. Voozee

    Post here your Stark Varg issues (or not!)

    Update - When they told me it was the powertrain, I asked how they knew it was the powertrain. I was just curious being as the only other user I found who posted that video had 2 bad cells in his battery. Stark replied with "After some more investigation I believe it would be a...
  14. Voozee

    Post here your Stark Varg issues (or not!)

    For anybody interested. Stark did get back with me today. After sending them a couple videos of what was happening, they determined it was the powertrain. (not sure if they remoted into the bike or not). They are going to send out a new powertrain. Hopefully that sorts out the issue. I did...
  15. Voozee

    Post here your Stark Varg issues (or not!)

    MX Gen2 / 9XXX received the bike in late December 2024. Bike has 2 hours on it. Had no issues first time out, but on the second track day the bike hard shutdown after 1.5 laps with approx. 90% battery. Here is what I sent to stark. Still waiting to hear back, but wanted to see if anybody else...
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