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  1. imchrisf

    Reduce Drag Stark

    Thanks, that is all very helpful. I also enjoy geeking out on this stuff. Some is a bit above my level as I am an IT Pro and not much real world engineering training. (Other than watching lots of Mythbusters and "How its Made" and the like.) I would agree that if most of my riding was at 20...
  2. imchrisf

    Reduce Drag Stark

    I am refering to the spin when on the stand. I have not tried spining it without the chain yet. I will try that. BTW, there is no master link on this chain. Should I add one? I am used to being able to take off the chain easily on my MTB's. I had not expected that the motor would have any...
  3. imchrisf

    Reduce Drag Stark

    I have been riding dirtbikes for many years, but not really repairing or working on them. I have been riding Mountain Bikes for just as long and work on them all the time. I like it when my wheels spin freely front and back so I have no drag if at all possible. My Stark is a different story...
  4. imchrisf

    Thread Dedicated to Keeping Track of Firmware Versions

    i am so confused. I got an update yesterday to 1.0.218 also, but I can't find any information about it. I have already noticed that the battery does not drain at rest as much as it did only last week.
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