Alta Motors v2.0 restart attempt


My dog thinks I'm cool
Brinnon, Wa.
I'm not deep enough to confirm 100%, but I fear that idea is pandora's box from a liability perspective. Can't commit to it now. Sorry.

Out of curiosity... what would that capability be worth to you? I'm sure you can understand that being able to update firmware is one thing, but edit it quite another. Which capabilities would be most valuable?

Where we'd all ultimately want to be is something like "GS911" capabilities for BMWs from your smart phone... doesn't exist yet, though.
As I understand, the service laptop can only update firmware, not edit, so I would presume the liability issue to be minimal...

But the ability to replace items such as dash display, or any component that is not a simple plug and play item would be worth several hundred dollars to me. Repair and maintenance are my prime motivation, not modifications for enhanced performance, very much like a "GS911" tool.


Active member
Bay Area
As I understand, the service laptop can only update firmware, not edit, so I would presume the liability issue to be minimal...

But the ability to replace items such as dash display, or any component that is not a simple plug and play item would be worth several hundred dollars to me. Repair and maintenance are my prime motivation, not modifications for enhanced performance, very much like a "GS911" tool.


Believe service laptops were built to do all kinds of things, because you never know. That large and over-spec'ed hardware is probably not the right fit for what you and others would want to do. When we have a lower cost version, it's 100% within our own interests and new business model to make it more readily available to owners.

Thanks for the input.


Keep yer cool, don't get hurt, and never give up!
St Johns, Portland, OR 97203
If there is not a future widespread dealer support structure, then the basic ability for the owner to program their bike(s) is crucial. This capability really should be included with every bike when sold new.
I think zero has a great mobile tool that can update firmware and tune one map. Our redshifts "just" need a little wireless dongle to plug in to the comms port to make this doable.


Active member
Bay Area
As with any "non-emotional" investment, first and foremost on the wishlist has to be MAKING MONEY. I've seen very little talk about that small detail.

Built bikes and parts in inventory are acquired as part of the assset purchase. Think of it as zero COGS to the NewCo. Making money on those economics is pretty straight forward.

As we fix the supply chain and tweak the distribution model over the first 6-12 months, we'll have built contribution dollars into each new bike. Taking deposits up front for the vehicles and delivering them within a reasonable timeline allows us to build to order. We'd avoid perilous inventory financing that way.

The 1k bikes in 2019 and 2k in 2020 required to hit cash flow break even are based on these plans. If we sell more, we can afford to reinvest and expand. It’s meant to snowball.

Specifically, what do you want to see?

We probably have it.


Well-known member
Corona Ca
Obviously, any company needs to make a profit to sustain operation, however, I'm talking about how and when an individual INVESTOR/owner makes their money in the master plan. Maybe you can explain to everyone on the forum how their investment will be valuated (or devaluated/diluted) over time and the various liquidity options available, including rough timeframes?

Personally, my investment goal in this specific case is incompatible with the opportunity, but maybe some folks on the fence would benefit from such information if explained in a straight forward simple to understand (no financial lingo, busswords, or acronyms) way. If the feeling of the principles involved is that everyone interested is fully informed already then please disregard. No value added.


Staff member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
Personally, my investment goal in this specific case is incompatible with the opportunity, but maybe some folks on the fence would benefit from such information if explained in a straight forward simple to understand (no financial lingo, busswords, or acronyms) way.
This is one of the reasons why I was hesitant about @No.73 joining this forum and posting. Folks, who are not planning to invest themselves, will start asking questions on behalf of others, sucking all of us into a long discussion with no action.

A private equity investment education would benefit all of us, but not in this thread. Please ask specific questions, and only if you yourself are planning to invest. Thank you, if you are.


Active member
Bay Area
Personally, my investment goal in this specific case is incompatible with the opportunity

Thank you for confirming your incompatibility with the opportunity, as Philip and I both suspected and counseled you directly offline. We can now prioritize other interest accordingly.

If you wouldn't mind, please allow us to run the process one-on-one with interested parties and answer their questions, rather than yours. As many issues as you may enjoy highlighting, private investments do not get made by airing every detail on a public forum. We may get there our way, we may not get there at all. Your way (i.e., death by a thousand public critiques without ability or intention to invest) will break it.

This NewCo is new = both risk and opportunity.

It is an unlikely a fit for someone to take a significant portion of their savings in retirement and invest in this new business, or any new business. Folks should invest only at a level that they would be prepared to lose, even if that's not the plan. Buying shares is like buying a ticket to ride. It represents ownership = a share of the profits. If there are no profits, it was likely a crap bet.

However, there are some cases in which non-profitable businesses are sold at large share price premiums compared to the pricing for early investors (e.g., anything "successful" out of Silicon Valley). Riding hype cycle dynamics isn't the intention here. Besides, VCs view moto as a bad neighborhood anyway - too many craters in the ground surrounded by nuclear fallout, fear over larger market forces at work with the macroeconomic cycle approaching a shift, and concern over competition from primarily Asian OEMs. Very few businesses on two wheels make money and 99% of investors remain fearful of product liability from those that do. Selling them on the idea so their greed overcomes their fear has been unsuccessful to date - it's not fusion, flying cars, or scooters... so no.

We'd rather build something holistically sustainable for all stakeholders. An enthusiast-owned near-term financing path helps us do that. It gives us a start and is likely necessary, but not sufficient. We will need other capital sources to make it all work in the medium term.

I appreciate your intentions thus far to keep us all on the same page and find a way to make magic happen. If you wish to continue to help, please restrain from slinging arrows from the sidelines. Out of necessity, we're running full steam, head down trying to play n-dimensional sudoku with a herd of hornets. Getting stung makes every other hornet angrier and increases the number "n" by one.

If you can (1) reduce the complexity, (2) shepherd folks to us that may be interested, or (3) just stop stirring up the pot - we'd be grateful.


Well-known member
Corona Ca
Understand completely, and wish everyone involved the best of luck. I provided No.73 with a potentially (long shot) pivotal referral, that'll need to be my contribution to the effort.

That said, I find it interesting that while those public messages from members advocating for and affirming confidence in the new venture business plan are embraced those with concerns/questions are relegated to "offline discussion only". Shouldn't the forum be discouraging any form of "opinion" pro or con?


Hickory, NC
Philip & No. 73, thank you both for your efforts to keep this great product going. I am excited by this news. This question may be somewhat off topic but I'm curious of your thoughts on being able to upgrade our current chassis's with the latest battery and software tech in the future should your efforts be fruitful with the NewCo. Granted I haven't scoured this forum for claims from the OldCo in this regard, but just wanted to get your thoughts. I own a '17 redshift MX, and I'm having a blast on it riding hard enduro type terrain. If I could drop 20lbs off the bike and had another hour of range I would sell the gas bike once and for all! Thanks for your time! Kirk


Staff member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
This question may be somewhat off topic but I'm curious of your thoughts on being able to upgrade our current chassis's with the latest battery and software tech in the future should your efforts be fruitful with the NewCo. Granted I haven't scoured this forum for claims from the OldCo in this regard, but just wanted to get your thoughts. I own a '17 redshift MX, and I'm having a blast on it riding hard enduro type terrain. If I could drop 20lbs off the bike and had another hour of range I would sell the gas bike once and for all!
I used to own a 2017 MX. When the MXR came out (with better batteries) I inquired about upgrading my MX with a new battery. The answer was that it would require to replace a lot of expensive parts, which would make it cheaper to sell the old bike and buy a new one. Which I did. And I still sold my newer gas bikes and haven't ridden my own gas bikes since (on an MX track).

Companies always try to make products backward compatible, that is always a consideration and the most obvious thing to do, but it does not always work out.


Active member
Bay Area
FYI folks - interest isn't getting confirmed fast enough for us to be super hopeful at the moment.

I have some triangulation to do, but if you're holding out and can do more, now is the time to raise your hand.

Time & capital are the issues. Can solve one with the other. We don't have enough of either right now.


User asked to be "deleted"
San Diego, California USA
I flew up to San Jose, California, and met with “No.73” for most of the afternoon (and early evening). There is a lot to digest, but I do want to reiterate many of the things that have already been said above:

1) If you aren’t part of the solution (through direct investment, or are pre-buying a motorcycle or two, or you know those who are willing to invest with real money, or you have some specific investing skill set that you could provide, etc), then... you’re not part of the solution. Period

2) It’s EASY to find flaws, in any venture. This process is speculative

3) it’s EASY to fail, in most ventures. This process is risky (and note that each of us reading this rides dangerous dirt bikes!!!)

4) If you have money to invest, but should not for ANY reason, then please don’t. No one needs to know of your reasons why

5) This, quite literally, is the only and final opportunity to resurrect Alta. I am throughly convinced, for many reasons, that “No.73” is the right person to lead this investment battle:

a. He is a fellow motorcycle enthusiast
b. He has the business savvy to turn this into a success
c. He is well versed in finances for this type of venture
d. He has the drive and determination to make it happen


Well-known member
I flew up to San Jose, California, and met with “No.73” for most of the afternoon (and early evening). There is a lot to digest, but I do want to reiterate many of the things that have already been said above:

1) If you aren’t part of the solution (through direct investment, or are pre-buying a motorcycle or two, or you know those who are willing to invest with real money, or you have some specific investing skill set that you could provide, etc), then... you’re not part of the solution. Period

2) It’s EASY to find flaws, in any venture. This process is speculative

3) it’s EASY to fail, in most ventures. This process is risky (and note that each of us reading this rides dangerous dirt bikes!!!)

4) If you have money to invest, but should not for ANY reason, then please don’t. No one needs to know of your reasons why

5) This, quite literally, is the only and final opportunity to resurrect Alta. I am throughly convinced, for many reasons, that “No.73” is the right person to lead this investment battle:

a. He is a fellow motorcycle enthusiast
b. He has the business savvy to turn this into a success
c. He is well versed in finances for this type of venture
d. He has the drive and determination to make it happen

How do I contact you to potentially become an investor

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