Well said. Learn to ride better and you will be faster. In enduro racing the mantra is "A fast rider on a slow bike is much faster than a slow rider on a fast bike".
I know myself, and if I had the ability to quickly (laptop and some keystrokes) change my throttle response, torque curve, motor braking, etc, I'd spend most my day at the track looking at data instead of riding!

I already do that as it is. Then the next time out I'd do it all over again because the conditions have changed. It's all relative, and eventually we'd be looking for the next level, like motor braking, throttle, and torque tailored by track position using GPS! The only universal performance limiting issue on our bikes is related to our current battery pack technology. So far, all the tweaking of various parameters and tables I've seen discussed would probably acerbate these range and/or thermal problems. Not that their aren't specific parameters that COULD help in this respect, like upper and lower battery voltage cutoffs and temperature limits, but those kind of changes would have a long-term impact on pack degradation. So it's not all upside.
On the other hand, technology of one sort (in this case software) can so outstrip the electro/mechanical tech that improvements in the later MUST be realized for the system to advance. So, maybe it's a good thing to keep pressure on us mechanical guys!