Cake Kalk OR


Well-known member
New York, NY
Wow. Such a lame response.

That last line contradicts what they did in Portland with the FXs....

(Disclaimer - I formerly worked there so I now and then jab hard on Zero)

I feel like, sadly, Alta's shuttering likely made Zero even more fearful of reentering the offroad market.

Alta's execution was impeccable, and not so easy for anyone else (even Zero) to replicate without significant effort.

Hopefully someone will try again sometime. I commend Sur Ron, though quality control and material issues / worries are real. Cake, so long as they continue to grow and make money, will likely bring larger models to market as battery tech evolves, though we're likely still several years away from anything as good as MXR/EXR.


Well-known member
WA State, USA
I think Honda, KTM, and Yamaha are our best bets for the next mfr to release a full sized, full performance dirt bike.

I am wondering if the majors are delaying the release of these bikes as long as they can for fear they will make less money on parts and maintenance? Is their significant push back from their dealers about selling full sized e-dirt bikes?

I know it sounds silly, but I just can't figure out why one of them hasn't released one yet. The obvious answer would be they just don't see it as a profitable venture yet, but I think they would sell every single bike they produce and people would love the bikes, just like they did with the Altas. With their deep pockets, established dealer networks, etc, all of the obstacles that Alta had to overcome are a non-issue.

Or they just haven't reached Alta levels of performance yet? I can't believe they can't duplicate, or come pretty close to what Alta did, its not like they can't get their hands on some Altas to study them.

What's holding them up?

I guess they are too busy making cash with their ICE offerings to take the whole e-dirt bike segment seriously. Meanwhile we have all kinds of e-dirt bikes cropping up like mushrooms from all kinds of small businesses and home brewed enthusiasts.


Well-known member
Forum's Sponsor
South San Francisco, CA
I feel like, sadly, Alta's shuttering likely made Zero even more fearful of reentering the offroad market.

Alta's execution was impeccable, and not so easy for anyone else (even Zero) to replicate without significant effort.

I wont go down the wonderful Zero rabbit hole...but heres my PG version.

Fearful? No its based on resources. the SR platform (which makes up most of there commuter bikes and sales) was lonng in the tooth. Hence why the SR/F(streetfighter) and SR/S (faried version) have recently released out. There...premium...for a Zero. Its what there trying to carve in the EV Moto market with Energicas swooping in with large KW packs and proper faired/race style bikes.

The FX (dirtbike) platform is very much long in the tooth. When I was working for the MFG team at Zero, I did admit at one time I lusted over the FXS and the FX. It was a cool looking and interesting motorcycle. But never had the badassery like the SM. Or the fit. or finish. Which is why I have an SM in the garage.

I wont go into any more details but theirs hard working men and women over at Zero HQ who were sooo wanting us to stay alive, because it gave them the firepower to go to there guys and go why not?? They can do it.


Well-known member
FYI ( from one who has seen the two manufacturers products in reality ) I would say that even though I'm not a fan of Cake it is on a much higher quality level than any Sur-Ron


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
A few weeks ago, Cake was doing demo rides out at Carnegie SVRA, near Tracy, CA. They were only doing rides by appointment, though, so I didn't ride one. The Cake rep guy said he was coming back in a month though. Not sure if they already did it again or not. Not sure if the signup was on the Cake website or what. Just FYI.

We inadvertently intimidated one of the test riders by riding next to him with our two Altas, which are much bigger. We both gave him a thumbs up, but then we accelerated away quickly down the gravel road, leaving him in the dust. Probably roosted him a bit. I saw him turn the bike around and slowly ride back to the demo van, looking a bit disappointed. ;-)


Self proclaimed macho man extraordinaire
Fallon NV
A few weeks ago, Cake was doing demo rides out at Carnegie SVRA, near Tracy, CA. They were only doing rides by appointment, though, so I didn't ride one. The Cake rep guy said he was coming back in a month though. Not sure if they already did it again or not. Not sure if the signup was on the Cake website or what. Just FYI.

We inadvertently intimidated one of the test riders by riding next to him with our two Altas, which are much bigger. We both gave him a thumbs up, but then we accelerating away quickly down the gravel road, leaving him in the dust. Probably roosted him a bit. I saw him turn the bike around and slowly ride back to the demo van, looking a bit disappointed. ;-)
I rode a Cake OR last year back to back with my EXR. To me, the Cake in map 3 felt almost as fast as the EXR in map1 up to about 45MPH, of course this was a butt dyno comparison, not necessary the most accurate.


San Jose, California
I ran into the demo thing at Metcalf and Zack let me take one out for a spin. I think I did all Four Fingers at Metcalf.
So it was a trail ride evaluation. The little front wheel did not work on the washboards. No clue for race rippin.

Zack was way cool. He would set something up absoutly depending on the logistics. Is that a disclaimer, or what?
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Well-known member
San Diego
So im in teh market for an E dirt bike "ish".....I always hated the CAKE but now that im sort of in the position to understand what market it hits for me i am seeing where the value is....

So Ive raced MX mostly my entire life traveling around with my dad doing the moto family thing....ITs been my passion forever. STILL IS. Once i was done competitively racing i ditched the 4 stroke back to a 2 stroke just cause i like having fun and making noise. I like the challenge and demand of a 2 stroke....its just more fun and way easier to maintain.

Living in Southern CA ALL gas fun is being choked out. 2 strokes after 2003 are red sticker race 4 strokes are red sticker....all fun is red sticker....blah blah blah....

making a long story slightly shorter.....I have 2 kids that love to ride and are 5 and 7. I don't have any time really to load them up and take them out riding in the desert and the track situation down here is just too congested and getting way too expensive.

A really cool option is riding out of my garage under the powerlines in the unlimited space where my house is located, or the local trails=/lots the surrons have been popping off in....the Alta is amazing. The KTM is amazing....i want both of them but the fact of the matter is they are way too much bike for where im riding. The surron is too small for me at 200 LBS and im not a pro mx rider but with my racing background this bike is jsut not enough for me......suspension or motor wise. The cake is really a middle spot for this at 150lbs 1-2 hrs in mode 3 and a little bigger than the surron but small enough to flick around.....more of a heavy mountain bike than anything.

I have a few options in this category like the E motion escape but with the trials geometry and a head tube angle that is most likely closer to 73 degrees the fasted flowing single tracks i can access are not going to be all that fun on it.....

this is where im stuck with the bike i originally hated and made fun of.....IT fits the roll out of the garage light weight land poaching machine.....i test rode one and the guy brought it to my just floats off the drops and i can bunny hop all the drainage ditches.

someone talk me out of this thing!!!! haha


Well-known member
San Diego
Pretty sure I am. Heavily considering the electric motion escape R but it does lack in the areas I’d be using it for the most...also love the KTM being slightly smaller in stature than a traditional Mx but at 238lbs it’s no feather.

what are your thoughts?


Well-known member
What about the EM Escape is not suitable for your kind of riding?
Not nimble enough? can not attack obstacles well enough? Lack of torque?


Well-known member
San Diego
What about the EM Escape is not suitable for your kind of riding?
Not nimble enough? can not attack obstacles well enough? Lack of torque?

I think it’s easy to look at numbers and answer those questions...not sure how to take that haha.

As I Stated the concern is the head tube angle and the overall trials geometry. Not sure if you’ve ridden a trials bike and then a dirt bike or a trials bicycle and a downhill/enduro. The speed they are designed for are very different. The suspension is too and faster single track with the occasional jump it’s falls more into the cakes wheelhouse. It’s not out entirely but it’s seems between the 2 the cake more fits the bill for my particular riding. Not a whole lot of tight tec stuff.....most is high speed single track.


Well-known member
I am 6'3 260 ish and after dumping a buttload of money(more than the purchase price) into my Sur Ron, I've made it taller, better suspended, better braking and a whole lot faster. light speed bikes makes a 72volt upgrade and I am pulling 13 kw, which works out to appx 18 hp. I too do not have the miles of open riding area that some lucky others enjoy and in my tight little woods this TOY is almost too fast. I do not have a racing history and am not a big jumper so while others may find the bike to be limited I think it's a blast and parts availability and upgrades are many and still costs less than the cake. psalso it's not butt ugly! it's no alta but my alta is not as much fun in my little woods.




Well-known member
San Diego
I am 6'3 260 ish and after dumping a buttload of money(more than the purchase price) into my Sur Ron, I've made it taller, better suspended, better braking and a whole lot faster. light speed bikes makes a 72volt upgrade and I am pulling 13 kw, which works out to appx 18 hp. I too do not have the miles of open riding area that some lucky others enjoy and in my tight little woods this TOY is almost too fast. I do not have a racing history and am not a big jumper so while others may find the bike to be limited I think it's a blast and parts availability and upgrades are many and still costs less than the cake. psalso it's not butt ugly! it's no alta but my alta is not as much fun in my little woods.

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These are all good points.....when im riding my wifes surron i hit the bottom of the suspension stroke hard. I actually thought i ripped the foot pegs off of it one time cause i hit so hard stepping before i get a lashing I know im sending these bikes too big but i grew up riding in the hills and racing MX so thats whats fun for me....What im looking for may not be available yet but components, suspension and size wise the cake seems to be the closest....

Have you had a chance to ride a cake? The suspension and geometry really feels like a LIght dirt bike more than a heavy mountain bike....if that makes sense. .

as far as electric bikes go i have only ridden the Cake, ALTA MXR and a Surron....i have no experience outside of these.


Well-known member
I see no good reason for you not to get the cake bike. I'll be happy to read reports of how it works in your situation as there is not that much info out there as to how rugged it is when ridden enthusiastically. Horses for courses, it might be perfect under the powerlines.


Staff member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
This thread has gotten very interesting! I am starting to see the appeal of buying an e-bike with a quality suspension and other components, even regardless of its overall appearance, for as long as it is fun out-of-the-box to ride and to jump.


Well-known member
San Diego
I see no good reason for you not to get the cake bike. I'll be happy to read reports of how it works in your situation as there is not that much info out there as to how rugged it is when ridden enthusiastically. Horses for courses, it might be perfect under the powerlines.

See i agree with you 100% but you were supposed to talk me out of it...hahaha! thanks for the advice! they are pretty back ordered right now so my deposit is in and im waiting in line until the earlier part of the summer. Ill keep you all updated on its arrival. When i get it i promise to smash on it and give you all some feedback!

never rode any electric bikes except my own, I'm the electric guy in my neck of the woods. I wish others would wake up. good luck with whatever you end up with, ultralights are way cool.

I agree, i see the use for gas still in a lot of aspects....even if it is just cause i grew up on them and the smell beings memories i didn't even know i had flooding back. For my kids those memories will be provoked by hearing the chain slap and the brushless motor zip haha.

This thread has gotten very interesting! I am starting to see the appeal of buying an e-bike with a quality suspension and other components, even regardless of its overall appearance, for as long as it is fun out-of-the-box to ride and to jump.
ITs funny cause this bike is the one i didnt understand a few years ago. I didnt see the use for it and i hated its look....funny how perspective in life can change so many things cause im really understanding the segment this bike fits into now its a VERY FUN one.


Well-known member
Who the hell puts a WHITE seat on a dirt bike?
I've always wondered why anyone would put a black seat on a bike. I don't like roasting my balls on a hot sunny day. Personally I'd rather have poop stains on my seat, and be more comfortable.


Well-known member
San Diego
I've always wondered why anyone would put a black seat on a bike. I don't like roasting my balls on a hot sunny day. Personally I'd rather have poop stains on my seat, and be more comfortable.

We could compromise on a grey one.....? Hahah. If your going fast enough no one even sees what it looks like!!

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