Charger issue, 2017 Alta Redshit MX - help!


Active member
51399 Burscheid
Hi thank you for your comment . Checklist : GFCI Swicht in and out is ok 239v and LED is on, than i follw the cabel and three is 239v on the black line fuse in and out , on the white 0 v no LED on the cahatger is on and no standbye, when i connect the plug to the bike than , the output relay will click, but no LED on at the charger and Message in the dasboard: Please connet to AC , but the plug is in and There iis power at the in fuse both sides. May the Converter is broken ? The charger dosen t work in any condition, not at any other % of Battery Status , so what can be broken ? If its easier i can send you the charger and you will have a look inside ??? Any charger to sell for me ? Please let me know ! THX HS


Well-known member
Corona Ca
I'm not totally familiar with euro standard wiring, but in the US you should have approx. 230v between the (white wire) and output side of fuse (black wire). Should have approx. 115v between white wire and yellow/green wire (or case) AND 115v between black wire and yellow/green (or case). Zero volts between yellow/green wire and CASE (should be good ground). Probe the charging line output of the relay for voltage while plugged into the bike, just because the relay "clicks" doesn't mean it's functioning properly. If you have voltage across those lines (approx. 350v ????) the problem probably lies downstream of the relay. CAUTON, HIGH VOLTAGE, use care.


Active member
51399 Burscheid
ok i will measure this out side , but why is there no LED Standby light when it is plugged in AC 240 v housenet ??? Should it not be on ??? and flashing green without plugged in the charger hose at the bike . May someone can check this at his charger and tell ??? Thx


Active member
51399 Burscheid
Other question , what is the name of the charger plug on the output to connect with the bike on the Alta ex , is that Norm and possible to by somewhere ?


Well-known member
Corona Ca
I haven't looked and as far as I know nobody's has figured out that plug yet. Look closely for a manufacture code or part number and google it. Might be pretty easy. If you find one (and it's mating part) you can build a "break out" box and have very easy access to all those circuits for testing.

Also, I think your charger can be reset (rebooted) to factory defaults using a little black momentary "push button" located somewhere inside. I posted a picture of my 17's button on another thread somewhere. A newer charger may be different. Anyway, the Elcon website describes this procedure. Hopefully, this would reset to Alta spec defaults, otherwise it'll default to Elcon's defaults which could be different, so I'd only try this as a last resort.

I never really paid attention to that LED. I think mine would be RED if it wasn't charging, blinking Green while charging and solid Green at full charge but don't quote me. Your owners manual should say for sure. I can't say 100%, but I believe the Elcon website also describes how to troubleshoot using a combination of the "push button" and LED blinking codes. Might want to do some research.
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