Crash Damage


San Jose, California
So I have short legs and pretty much can't touch the ground anyhow...
I have been concerned about dropping the bike on a rock in a bad way. Wool, last Monday, I stopped where I could not hold up the bike and dropped it pretty hard on the starboard side, the motor/ gear reduction case hitting a rock pretty solidly.

Pics to follow. No issues.

All you other folks might have stories. Do share.


The Silent Assassin
Forum's Sponsor
Charlotte, NC
I'll bite.

My first race day on the Alta labor day weekend. I was racing 2 classes so 4 motos. I won the first 3 motos and was probably going to win the 4th moto until this happened:
If you notice, the bike slammed down on the left side in the dirt. The bars got bent, the bar mounts twisted and warped the bar mounts and the triple clamp mounting posts, the front fender bracket got bent way out of alignment, the left number plate broke plus 2 of the 4 compression nuts pulled out of the mounts, and 1 of the compression nuts out of the rear fender tore out.

So that crash costed me
-Replacement upper triple clamp (bought from a member on the boards)
-Replacement bar mounts (~$40)
-New handlebars and grips ($80 if i didn't have an extra set laying around)
-New front fender bracket (44$ from Alta)
-New left side plate ($26)
-New rear fender ($59)


Well-known member
The bikes are pretty tough, eh?
im not sure about the others but my mx is tough, other than the triple clamps the front tire gets tweaked from the littlest of things.

the first week of owning my mx the suspesion was so bad that i was crusing across woops around 40mph, and the rear bucked up and then the front bounced of the trail, i went flying and my mx went flying into a tree, the fender was the only damage other than scratches. they're build really well, but could use a few minor fixes imo.


The Silent Assassin
Forum's Sponsor
Charlotte, NC
The bodywork and how its all mounted can be improved, especially the front fender. The side number plates dont have much side-side support. The shrouds seemed to hold up well. The subframe seems to be really strong so far (and actually sort of cheap to replace vs gas bikes!).


Well-known member
I had a bad drop on a switchback which smashed my lhrb brake line and dented the battery case. Other than losing the rear brake, the bike rode fine (and still does, even with a poke/dent in the battery case)

Coworker last weekend crashed it repeatedly while learning to ride with just damage to handguards and side plates. Bike still rode fine all day.

One time however, I screwed up after crashing and forgot it was still "on" and when I picked it up I launched it. It hit a stump, shot into the air, looped a couple times, and landed directly on the computer/dash and smashed it. This was the only time I have been left stranded by a crash though.

The dash appears to be the weakest link on an MX afaik.


Well-known member
Nederland, CO
im not sure about the others but my mx is tough, other than the triple clamps the front tire gets tweaked from the littlest of things.

When I swapped forks on my EXR I noticed that that Ohlins gives much higher torque specs for how tight to tighten the triple clamp than Alta/WP does. Made me wonder if that's why these forks twist so easily.
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