Energica bankruptcy


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Italian electric brand Energica confirm bankruptcy

Here is an interview of their CTO about the situation, to be translated from Italian:
Energica, non tutto è perduto

They used to be the MotoE supplier and then they were replaced by Ducati (BTW that V21L looks amazing).

I'm sorry for them, but IMO an electric street motorcycle makes much less sense than an electric dirtbike since the ICE counterparts:
• need reasonably little maintenance,
• are enjoyable when shifting since the rider's weight is mostly supported by the seat anyways; it's not as important to load the footpegs,
• are way lighter because for street use you need a lot of kWh and so the electric ones can't be as light,
• don't have overheating problems that an e-motorcycle is likely to have on asphalt (the aforementioned V21L has a liquid cooled battery),
• are accepted for being loud.

A. Wass, in one of his interviews, said that a street electric motorcycle is harder to be made competitive versus ICEs and honestly I am worried for Stark if they will try and sell street motorcycles; road legal enduro bikes should be successful, I think, maybe even supermotos, but I would be surprised to see a successful street e-motorcycle.

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