EV West has a Redshift... and a ****load of Alta batteries


Fine, they got some pallets of old batteries, and they are selling them pretty cheap $3.50 each
The real property is everything else.
The suspense continues


This batteries didn't walk out of the ALTA factory. They're likely from an earlier overrun and were either returned or never purchased. For the R, I think it was Murata (Japan). I would be great if a battery tech or someone else in the know and formerly with ALTA would chime in.


User asked to be "deleted"
San Diego, California USA
I bought the 2019 EXR yesterday (Sat, Dec 1, 2018) knowing that what is out there is all there is going to be.

I also very briefly rode the MXR that is in the EV West shop this past Thursday or Friday. Last year, we had the official Alta representative do a display at our annual EV Show with their Super Moto and MX bikes. I rode the Super Moto bike at a different event.

My company specializes in EV related charging equipment, and our shop is about 200 feet from EV West. I will likely work on getting the bike up to 2C charging, but that might require a complete rework of the battery for a cooling system.

There are folks who intend to bid on the left overs from Alta Motors, but somebody at Alta seems to be selling off the stuff “out the back door” at the same time that they are trying to sell the company. They owe MILLIONS of dollars to vendors, so I don’t expect the same Alta Motors to come back.

I have no idea what the value of the Alta name, software, and castings are worth. Just about everything else is an “on the shelf” vendor supplied part. It will still sell for millions, which is outside my budget.

I’m pretty pumped to have this bike, and look forward to riding and tinkering! I’d love to be involved with any group or company that has the finances to build a competitor bike based on the spirit of the Alta bikes.

Tony Williams
Quick Charge Power LLC
1780-104 La Costa Meadows Drive
San Marcos, California 92078 USA
Twitter: QCPower
1-760-798-0342 Office



Staff member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
My company specializes on EV related charging equipment, and our shop is about 200 feet from EV West. I will likely work on getting the bike up to 2C charging, but that might require a complete rework of the battery for a cooling system.
Welcome to the club, Tony!

We would be very happy to charge our bikes at 2C. Although, this may not be the best moment to introduce such a product to the market. Faster charging reduces the lifespan on the batteries, so before we risk that we should wait for Alta to start producing new batteries. Or figure out how to re-stuff the old batteries ourselves.


Staff member
Yes Tony, welcome to the forum!

We certainly welcome individuals like yourself. We have previously tried to persuade digiNow to look into a faster charging option but because of what was perceived as limited interest and frustrating communications with Alta they sorta gave up for the time being.

As Philip stated because of the current situation and the fact that we have zero options for battery service, everyone is going to be a bit shy of anything that could stress their batteries. There is quite a bit of history on the subject, if you would like I'd be happy to give you a call if you wanted to be brought up to speed.


Well-known member
Nederland, CO
This forum suffers a bit from stating the obvious, especially to people who already know what they are being reminded of. I'm sure the folks at quick charge are familiar with charging batteries, including the proper amounts to taper down charge rate at the end and that fast charging in the first half is all win with no notable impact on battery life.

I'd pay for 2c charging tomorrow.


User asked to be "deleted"
San Diego, California USA
Yes Tony, welcome to the forum!... if you would like I'd be happy to give you a call if you wanted to be brought up to speed.

Sure, call away. I clearly am brand new to the bike, but I’ll admit, I did spend some time persuading the Alta folks to adopt things like J1772, or even CHAdeMO (both of which are worldwide).

Office: 760-798-0342


User asked to be "deleted"
San Diego, California USA
Welcome to the club, Tony!

We would be very happy to charge our bikes at 2C. Although, this may not be the best moment to introduce such a product to the market. Faster charging reduces the lifespan on the batteries, so before we risk that we should wait for Alta to start producing new batteries. Or figure out how to re-stuff the old batteries ourselves.

Alta isn’t going to be doing anything with batteries. The party is over, until a new company steps up. The successor will hopefully address the battery shortcomings (charge rate and range) plus overall weight.

I did spend some nerdy time this weekend imagining that motor without that long , heavy countershaft, or with a planetary gear reduction to lower that motor in the chassis (and reduce weight), building a lighter monocoque frame, and a few other things. I’m not familiar with the inverter, but I will be!

We will be building quality fast charging products for the Zero Motorcycle, but let’s face it... those are foo-foo bikes compared to this one. I want to see a Redshift v2.0.



User asked to be "deleted"
San Diego, California USA
This forum suffers a bit from stating the obvious, especially to people who already know what they are being reminded of. I'm sure the folks at quick charge are familiar with charging batteries, including the proper amounts to taper down charge rate at the end and that fast charging in the first half is all win with no notable impact on battery life.

I'd pay for 2c charging tomorrow.

Yes, I’m confident that we know what we are doing with EV stuff ! Unlike some other companies using Chinese chargers and guys with no engineering degrees, we are the “real deal”. My company, with my direction, has developed a number of commercial charging products and brought them to the market. Our flagship products would be:

JdeMO™ DC fast charging that allows an Electric Vehicle to recharge within 30-45 minutes at over 18,000 CHAdeMO charging stations worldwide. JdeMO™ Is currently available for:

1) 2012-2014 Tesla powered Toyota RAV4 EV

2) 2008-2011 Tesla Roadster

3) 2014-2017 Mercedes B-Class ED (B250e) - available 1Q2019

4) 2014-2018 Fiat 500e - pending

5) Zero Motorcycle - pending




Well-known member
Thank you Tony! We need guys like you.
This is the best bike I've owned in 22 years of riding. The thought of it hanging lifeless from the ceiling of my garage wishing for parts to fix it scares me more than being forced to jump a real supercross triple.

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