got a Sur Ron yesterday


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
Saw this posted recently. These guys seem to have way too much fun on their Sur-rons. I really need to get me my own personal track. Too bad my back yard is only like 20’x80’.



Well-known member
I think I may be done upgrading the Sur Ron for a little while. so far I've added 3 inch rise pro taper bars, disconnected Regen and brake engine cutoff, installed adjustable handlebar risers that raise bars 2 inches and move them forward 2 inches, longer stiffer fork spring with 2 in shim, front and rear Shimano h303 brake pads, 21 inch front wheel with shinko 2.75/100x21 trials tire( not enough fork brace clearance for a knobby, had to do a little grinding to get the trials tire on)race spec mx seat, better footpegs and footpeg lowering bracket,footpeg support bar, 1 1/2 inch rear shock riser link, front fender(defender bicycle fender), rear fender(kx 65, cut to fit),primary belt to 420 chain conversion, light speed 72 volt 32 amp hour battery, bac 8000 controller( set at 13 kilowatts) and a new display. I'm pulling appx. 18 horsepower and this little bike rocks!! it's not nearly as fast or powerful as the alta but in tight woods it's way cool. I'm considering suspension mods next but that's gonna be another 3 grand, so I think I'll wait a bit and see what's what. besides I have to get back to building my trx 350r(punched out 250r) which I've been ignoring trying to get the Sur Ron ready for a fat old man(me).






Hi Mr.Frank.

Thats alot of mods there!, how would you say from using it in stock form, to now all tricked up has it made it a better bike?.

I am looking into one, but would be good to know with all the effort you have put into this bike and build, is it totally worth it from the stock bike to what it is now?.

Also, on a side note now you have "done upgrading" the Sur Ron, maybe you could upgrade the camera!.


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
I'm more interested in how much money you put into the bike to bring it up to its current level. Did you manage to double the price tag yet?


Well-known member
I'm at about 8 grand and the bike was only 3600. it is a huge difference!! it pulls my fat ass around now with no problem and wheelies are effortless, I went through radar at 58 mph with stock gearing. is it worth it? to me yes, I already have an alta and this is just for play in my tight little woods where even on a 125 mx'er you are in 2nd and 3rd only and clutching and braking all the time.i tried a kx 100 but I am 6'3 and sat too far back on the bike and was always wheelieing and washing the front end in corners and when I moved forward on the seat my feet stuck straight down and I couldn't use the rear brake or shift, the Sur Ron does not require any footwork so I am hopeful. to others I would advise you to get an alta at around the same price, this is an expensive toy but it is still a toy. I am old and I've got money and a lot of wild hairs grow in places and I am in a position to scratch these itches. as for the camera it's a flip phone(yeah I'm one of those guys) and I always forget to take pictures while the sun is out because I am riding. I will try to remember to get better pictures soon. ps. I may have to upgrade the sucks, but then again I am not a bicyclist and haven't bothered with one for about 44 years( that's when I got a drivers license)


Well-known member
on a side note the guy who built the sur Rons battery..lightspeed bikes in jersey city New Jersey says he could easily rebuild alta batteries if he had the battery case. he doesn't just do ebike batteries. thought that might be helpful to "R" owners having battery problems or any bike builders looking for battery solutions


AOF Addict
Altoona, PA
It wouldn't be too difficult to make a mold of the aluminum battery shell, then make wax masters for lost wax sand casting. If he can re-use all the batteries other internals (boards, etc..) and plastics, that sounds like it could be a solution for our long term battery woes. Does anyone have a battery that needs repair??


Staff member
I’ve heard before that “it would be easy”, but then when it comes down to actually doing something everyone pulls back. Most speak before actually seeing how these batteries are built.

Liquid has battery cases, honeycombs, etc. so no need to do anything there.

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