How Far Have You Gone?


Well-known member
Boise, ID, United States
So wondering what kind of range everyone is seeing, or able to get out of their Alta and what techniques you use to help ensure you aren't stranded with a dead battery? I understand that there are a lot of variables in that question, and some of you may not even know, or care, but I thought it would be interesting to see the variability in the answers. The moto folks are probably more concerned with time than miles, so miles/km may not be a good metric, but let us know what you have. As I am probably one of the wimpier, least aggressive, riders on the forum, I easily see 40 miles on a charge. It is a number I can plan for and not have to worry about depleting the battery in the woods. Typically riding area is mountainous so I climb in the beginning of the ride and have found that if I start heading back with about 1/3 battery capacity, I can make it back to the truck. The most miles I have gone on a charge, was last weekend when I went riding with my wife and another couple. Very easy ride, probably 20-30 mph speed on dirt roads, a fair amount of vertical climb (about 3000 ft), light acceleration, lots of regen with minimal use of brakes, but I did get 48 miles in 2.5 hours before the display started flashing at me.

What about you?


Staff member
I’ve been anxious to take my MXR on a good off road ride but so far have just been playing at tracks on practice days. Time on a track is really all over the place because of the variations you encounter at different tracks, but the one thing I am learning is to get the most out of a charge at a track you have to train yourself to carry your speed better. If you ever rode a 125 this will come back to you, not that you have to ride it like a 125 out of necessity, but because it’s more efficient than torquing around like you are on a 450. You have to “resist the twist”!


Well-known member
Milage unknown, but 1 hour 22 minutes in a hare scramble in 40A class. But if I go to my local riding park with a small mx track and 75 acres of trails, with lots of climbs, I can get about 4 hours from it if I charge in between rides, and limit my track time. That 4 hours is overall time at the park.
What I usually do is when I know Im about done for the day, I head to the track for the last ride and run it empty.


Well-known member
Newport, RI
35 miles on tight single track with short dirt road connector sections mixed in.
22 miles on extremely tight single track woods, rock, mud, swamp (on my 350XCFW I rode this terrain in mostly 2nd gear)


San Jose, California
Typically 30 to 40 miles...
Just the other day I met a guy, Steve, with a new ‘17 MX. He was quick, and I blew my charge demonstrating that I could be too.

I got in 33.4 miles and 2.4 hours before the display flashed the low battery warning, ie, blinkey mode.


Well-known member
Kingman, AZ
I am not sure how people are getting these distances. On single track I'm getting 20-30 miles and 2 hours tops with my MXR. This is sticking to map #1 99% of the time. I am using the throttle pretty smoothly and use regen when possible and still can't get more than 2 hrs ride time. With practice I can see getting a bit more efficient but not much.
I was planning to run this bike in the AZ sprint enduro championship this year but I think this can only happen at races where the loops are close to the pits and I can top off the bike. For the rest I'll have to run my 300XC.


Well-known member
Boise, ID, United States
I am 200 lbs so less than half the total weight of bike and rider. My 48 mile ride was probably optimal for range since we were going slow, on fairly hard packed dirt roads, with very little fast acceleration or braking. I did have changes in elevation but i made up a lot of what is used to climb when i descended.

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