General Looking for a bike for my wife

Waupaca, Wisconsin
I have a Stark and I'm building a track in my back yard. My wife currently has a super modified KLX140RL and that will cause all the snowflake neighbors to blow a gasket. What is the best quality 85cc sized bike on the market? 31-32" seat would be best because she is 5 foot tall with short legs. If Stark made an 85 sized bike I would buy it, but they don't.


Well-known member
WA State, USA
I would be looking into a Sur Ron Ultra Bee for her. 3 power modes, 195 lbs or so I think. Very easy bike to ride, minimal maintenance. Can rip on the S power mode. Also has a throttle sensitivity selector, so it can be tamed down or spiced up even further. And of course its quiet, perfect for a back yard track.
Waupaca, Wisconsin
I would be looking into a Sur Ron Ultra Bee for her. 3 power modes, 195 lbs or so I think. Very easy bike to ride, minimal maintenance. Can rip on the S power mode. Also has a throttle sensitivity selector, so it can be tamed down or spiced up even further. And of course its quiet, perfect for a back yard track.
Too tall. That thing is 35.8 inches. She could't even touch the ground or stop herself from falling over.


Well-known member
I tried a Talaria Sting TL4000 L1e on rental in a minicross track:
the suspensions were way too stiff for my weight, so for someone lighter they should be even worse.
The motor, on the other hand, felt decently powerful and it didn't consume the battery much in Sport mode, so for somone lighter it should feel even faster and be less consuming. In Eco mode it was easy to control.
It felt pretty nimble and light; surely a woman can lift it after a fall.


Well-known member
San Jose
I have a highly modified Light Bee and a modified KLX170L (KLX140 with a bore up kit) and I would say the Light Bee is close to the KLX140. The ergonomics are better on the KLX though the Light Bee feels more like a bicycle. The Light Bee is soooo light compared to the KLX. The used to get similar lap times on a supermoto course but now I think the Light Bee is probably slightly faster. For the dirt bike configuration I have the same size wheels on both bikes too 16/19.

If you want something stock that is more comparable the E Ride Pro is probably what you want. You can dump a lot of money into moding a Light Bee.

From what I remember a stock Light Bee is equivalent to something like a TTR125. I remember drag racing one down the straight of the supermoto track and we were neck and neck.
Waupaca, Wisconsin
KTM freeride , with 85 sx wheels. Look up Dirt first . This is mine with the stock wheel set . 18 / 21 . Great for the back yard track . 25 hp .
Seat height is 4 inches too high. She is 5 foot tall with short legs. She would just fall over in corners all time and get injured. An 85 is the biggest bike she can ride. Even a kx 100 was too tall.


Well-known member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
Go with a KX85 /100 Small wheel. I have built about 5 of these for friends and myself. Those 5 I have built have spawned off another 5 or so more. It is such a nice trackable adjustable platform. Wired Off Road make a close to bolt on kit for the KX85/100 2001 to almost current models. These guys have the kits , they are $3999 KX-e Conversion Kit.
Like I said I have built a lot of these, and YZ85's, and the KX turns out really nice. Here is a picture of 2 KX80 ( 1992 or 3) and my KX100 big wheels. If you want one built, I could build you one too.
PS: I can do any 80/85/100 size bike RM,KX, CR, YZ or full size bike.
image (14).jpg


Well-known member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
Awesome! What do you usually end up seeing these build cost all in?
You give me a donor bike, and the qs138 70H V3 motor and controller is about $1000. About $1000 in metal, switches, mounts, wiring, usually new bushing in the swing arm and linkage, and shocks or fork rebuild. The battery is between $900 for good cells, Lishen, $1250 for Molicel P42A cells ( better cells) and $1350 for Samsung 50S cells (longest range cells, 30-35 miles). I Charge $1000 to build the small bikes, and about $1500 for full size bikes.
So Donor bike $500-1000
Motor/Controller $1000
All the build parts $500-1000
Battery $900-1350
Labor $1000

So between $3000-and 4000 on your bike.




Erwin P

Well-known member
The UltraBee is extremely narrow compared to any 85'ish MX bike. Sit and test it and drop the tech sheet in the garbage bin it belongs in.
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