Magenta light of death


New member
Western Australia
So has been two weeks since Stark Support bricked my bike. Had purple(Magenta for the snobs) SOLID light after removing charger so contacted Support who have been awesome... but while trying to diagnose my issue on video conf call logged into my bike and asked if I just turned bike off and on again which I hadn't so after pulling plugs and replacing them while holding this button or that. Eventually he said right i seem to be having issues so let's reset everything he starts and over air update and surprise the bike didn't turn on even by pulling plugs like I had been doing previously!!! So now it's waiting for a new battery at the shop !! Just wondering if anyone else has had similar issues 🤔


Well-known member
Well since they diagnosed it as the battery maybe they have a diag that indicates that. But personally when I have had problems similar to that I start with the power switch itself. It is simple and easy to replace and has been known to be flakey especially when dirt, water, or mud get in it.

The replacement switch is like $50 US from the Stark store and IIRC mine was stuck on purple and seemed to be stranded wanting to do a firmware update but the switch was stuck in a position such that it couldn't cycle through.


New member
Western Australia
Finally got new battery delivered to shop today so fingers crossed its all good. The first sign was when the handset wasn't connecting to bike. While in process of trying to diagnose the problem an audible hiss sound came from main battery plug so am glad they sent new battery... time will tell
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