redshift charging


Chief Comedic Instigator
SF Bay Area, CA
I feel the same way when I ride my internal combustion bike and feel all that lovely heat escaping out the exhaust pipe. Or when opening the gas tank and smelling all those precious, hydro-carbon fumes wafting uselessly away into the ether, unable to fulfill their preferred, fiery fate of powering my mighty, metal steed.

Then I drop to my knees and project my rage at this futile waste of efficiency up to the gods of Energy Conversion, shouting “Damn you, thermodynamics! Damn you!”

Then I get on my electric bike and feel generally less peeved about my conversion-loss-ratio. Because, deep down, I know the most significant losses occurred back down the energy chain when the electricity was first generated… before I got involved in the whole, inefficient, chain of lossy events. And I ride off in a whir of electrical wheel-spin, blissfully ignorant of my role in the sordid scheme of things, with a grin on my face and a mild case of range anxiety at the back of my mind. Good times.


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