Stark range video(s)


Well-known member
This is the first of what is supposed to be a new series of videos, here are 2 "amateurs" Stark CEO and senior engineer, and 1 pro rider, official rider Eddie Karlsson, showing the range of the Stark Varg for hard enduro.

Technical hard enduro, with low average speed, is arguably the best setting to show high riding time. Nevertheless over 2.5 hours for the pro is what he gets when racing and winning so not much sandbagging going on.

Unsurprisingly the amateurs going much slower get over twice more riding time, that is over 5 h. They are of course much slower so range in kilometers might not differ too much.

It will be even more interesting to see what they show for future MX tests.


Well-known member
Unsurprisingly the amateurs going much slower get over twice more riding time, that is over 5 h.
Actually what I understand @ 15:16 is that after five laps the two riders were metaphorically "out of battery" while their bike still had a SOC of 30% and therefore they asked the pro to discharge it completely, reaching 0% in an overall time of 5 hours and Wass predicted that, had they had the strength to continue riding, the overall time would have been 7 hours.

One thing to consider is that, according to the manual, before and after every ride the battery status should be checked and the battery should be recharged if it's below 20% and in some videos people have reached something like 12% or 10% and have reported a power limit which apparently helps protecting the battery. Therefore, just like I don't get too close to a drained fuel tank on an ICE bike to prevent it from stalling airborne or from ending up on foot when at 200 m from the fuel tank in the parking lot of the track, when riding the Varg I personally exit the track as soon as I notice that the SOC indicator is red (i. e. SOC < 20%).
In that video I would have liked to hear some comments from them about the effects on the battery health of going from 100% to 0% sistematically.


Well-known member
Agreed you should avoid going too low, definitely avoid going to 0, I guess they did it for demonstration purposes (also they should release raw vid which would give more info).

Not sure either at what SOC the "reduced power mode" kicks in?


Active member
I ran mine down to 5% trying to experience “limp mode,” but it never happened.
Still felt like full power (was set to 52hp).
I have similar experience.
Did a 3-lap race where each lap ends in soft sand where you need more power than the rest of the track. I finished with 4% left and felt no power loss in the last section, where power was really needed. Used 30hp / 80%reg. Thought it was my low setting that made me feel no difference.

Erwin P

New member
My own little range test. Everything is at the end off the video. 2 out of 13 laps i did. No pitstops, just 2:01 of riding Cross-Country competition.


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