Stark Varg battery drained?


New member
Hey everyone, I went to get out to rip around my stark today and when i went to turn it on it only flashed a red light, and when i hold the power button it only displays a red light as well. It appeared to drain my battery because the phone shut off as well and when i went to turn it on it showed 1%. I do not know the fix to this, i heard from other people that i might need a whole new battery?? Please let me know if you have a fix for this or have more information, i am stumped. thank you.


New member
Did you try contacting stark futures? They have been pretty responsive to my questions.
I contacted them, at first they were not very responsive, but when they saw that it was a more serious problem they responded more. I sent them a video of my problem and they said that it is the battery at fault. I gave them my address and the new battery will be here in 5 days. However this obviously should not be happening to the battery, i asked why it happened and they are going to do more research when i send the battery back and they can make updates due to what’s wrong. I believe it is something with the new update that increases range. Super glad Stark is a great company and sending me a new battery!

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