I share your frustration, seems much like me you tell it as it is.
I think it right to let others who might be considering buying a product I have got, how ownership is going, good, bad or indifferent but some just can not accept it I assume they think you are some kind of influancer for another brand. For what it is worth I think influancers are scum and should be taken outside and shot!
As I have said in other posts I think stark are stalling purposely to help soak up some of the warranty period, (or even get you to buy the parts to fix it yourself !!!) at first they seemed fast to send out new parts to fix problems but as that word is out and customers have some confidance in the warranty they are now turning it around in the hope that they did enough early on.
As you imply out of warranty could be hell, I can see what is going to happen now! "We can not connect with your stark but from the issue you discribe it usually turns out to be a issue with the drivetrain" Will be the standard reply which is exactly why you can only buy a complete drivetrain at £3200 not parts (except reduction gears and shaft kit) which is madness, like replacing the whole engine on your 450 because the stator coil packed up.
jasonjm keep up the good work and tell it as it is Ignore the haters, half of them use there starks as garage queens to show off this weeks latest graphics kit and bling so not suprising they never had any problems