Tesla Model 3 tested as a rally car in snow


Well-known member
The Mountain Pass kit he mentions should be this one.
I've never done rally in real life but I know something about how to do it thanks mainly to the YouTube channel which posted this video and the awesome Richard Burns Rally driving simulator, in which Burns himself gives lessons and there are tests to pass for the player.
He says that the Tesla doesn't like to turn on the brakes, like all the cars with electronic controls activated (I guess they could not disable them). Well, in rally, there is this procedure named left foot braking: you brake hard and deep into the corner and keep the left foot on the pedal even in the corner exit simultaneously with the power delivery, to keep the turbine revving high and avoid the turbo lag. The turn happens before the corner exit via the weight transfer and the consequent oversteer and not much because of steering inputs. According to him, that Tesla understeers instead of oversteering if you try that and that's why he decided to power slide in the exit instead.
He says that the power delivery is abrupt and that reminds me of the power delivery of the Varg, which won't hesitate like a gas engine to powerslide if you open the throttle too much; the fact that he likes to adjust the regen braking reminds me about the Varg, too.
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