Welcome Alta owners and fans of Alta motorcycles!


Staff member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
Greetings, everybody!

This forum is intended for Alta owners and fans of Alta motorcycles. Please register and join the discussion!

If you have questions, please PM me. You can also email me at admin __at__ altaownersforum.com.

Thank you,



Staff member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
This is just an FYI: Your thread titles are subject to edit.

Guys, just wanted to give you a heads up. I am starting to make it a habit of actively editing thread titles to make them more descriptive and engaging.

So if you start a thread and the title of your thread mysteriously changes, it's because I edited it.

If this happens, don't worry! You did NOT do anything wrong. Also, please do not get mad. If you do not like the edited title, just send me a PM.

This notice is just an FYI -- I'm not asking anyone to do anything different.

I'm simply trying to make the content easier to find, more engaging, and more descriptive. This helps forum users when searching for content, as well as improving its presentation if the topic hits any search engines, such as Google.

Just be aware that any new thread title might be slightly modified to improve its effectiveness.
After all, we don't start threads to have 5 views and 0 responses on it, do we? ;)

E Jet3

New member
Northern California
I’m still trying to understand how to use the forum. It’s the first I have ever joined. I do have a quick question. Who did you use for your bike graphics kit. Most companies end up putting their company logos on the stickers and I notice yours doesn’t.



San Jose, California
as the kids like to say... search is your friend.
There is a specific section for graphics
Decals and Graphics

Like any website, you just have to become familiar. Some are still shit. This one is quite good. Lots of good stuff here, including Alta factory folks.

(and "search" is my nemesis)


Staff member
Lake Havasu City, AZ
I’m still trying to understand how to use the forum. It’s the first I have ever joined. I do have a quick question. Who did you use for your bike graphics kit. Most companies end up putting their company logos on the stickers and I notice yours doesn’t.

I though Google or WikiHow would have a good intro on how to use Internet forums, but they do not. The best general forum introduction guide that I was able to locate quickly is posted on some other forum here:


To ask your question about a post that interested you, you could click "Reply" right below that post. This will quote the post, and then you can write below that quote.

Or you can also scroll all the way down to the box that says "Write your reply ..." and white your reply there. Just be aware that you will not be able to quote the original message there, so some people might not know which post you are asking about. So, when it doubt, use the first method.

I am going to reply to your decal kit question in my decal kit thread here:
Decal Kits for the Alta

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