What is everyone's revised delivery dates?


Well-known member
SW Montana
Bottom line for me - dont overpromise and underdeliver.
I dont care if thats par for the course. Its bad business practice.

The alternative would have been them saying "We have no idea when we'll be able to deliver" which would not have been any better of an end user experience. They gave their best "estimated delivery date" based on the info they had at the time. As things came up, they adjusted the "estimated delivery date". Estimated being the key part of that phrase. Have you ever needed to complete work on a deadline and not been able to get another department or individual to give you the info or parts you need to complete your work? Now multiply that by 1,000 with Stark dealing with parts suppliers, contractors to set up their factory, government agencies to setup business, dealership, imports, etc.
I'm not saying that getting an estimated date and then it moving as needed is pleasant for the consumer, but it would be worse, in my opinion, to not have any date at all. Estimates, by their nature, are based on the information available at the time. If things change, estimates change. I don't think that is necessarily bad business practice.

Another alternative is they do all this behind the scenes and don't announce until they have 1,000 bikes manufactured and sitting there. In that case, you wouldn't have even heard about the Varg yet. And, the flip side of that is they don't get any input from from potential customers, don't get butts in seats on preproduction bikes for more input, can't gauge interest or plan assembly line capacity based on demand, etc. Then they underbuild and sell out right away and we all complain "How could they do this! They didn't make enough and now we have to wait for them to build more and we don't know how long that will take! They should have done pre-orders so we could have time to budget for the bike plus they would have known how many to build so they wouldn't have run out!". Ha.


Well-known member
I may be a bad example because I make a living managing large complex projects and far out dates. I understand too well the art of setting a date you cant keep.
The key is communication.

Stark is showing its inexperience here. They overpromised a lot of things - not just the grossly overoptimistic date. They didnt miss by a few weeks - we are talking years+ now.

I appreciate how difficult it is to get this bike to market - but they dont get a pass from me for bad communication and not owning up to it.


Well-known member
Canton, Ohio
As I stated in another thread, the 2 major issues I have with the Varg, are the wait, and the weight! (NOT in that order!)


Well-known member
San Diego
Fully agree that Stark should be communicating the delays better (similar to how they did the first delays). As for the Tesla comparison, I'm not saying anything is "okay". I'm simply comparing how Tesla takes deposits/preorders and doesn't even try to predict an exact delivery date. They give a vague year and often move that. Both pre-order types (giving no specific date or giving an exact date) both suck for the consumer because they either give you know idea or get you fixated on a specific date and that inevitably moves.

When a company is designing a product and bringing it to market, when still in design phase they are going to have a tough time predicting an accurate timeline. It would be much easier on the consumer if they did what legacy auto manufactures do which is spend the 3 to 6 years designing, developing, and ramping up for production and only announce to the public when it's in the final stages of pre-production (hence the existence of "spy shots" of disguised new model vehicles being tested and driven in public). But waiting until that stage makes it hard to gauge interest and predict assembly plant capacity needs until preorders are taken, particularly on a new type of product such as this.

The actual time from preorder to delivery, independent from how they choose to communicate a predicted delivery date, is also an interesting subject. Waiting is nothing new. It's just more real when it happens to you. Ha. There is all manner of global products to use as examples, but even with vehicles, it is relatively common. We just canceled an order for a Toyota 4runner because we'd been waiting 12 months. Unlike most other brands, Toyota doesn't let buyers or dealerships order a specific vehicle. We wanted a specific trim, color, options and NOT one option (did not want moonroof because it takes away headroom and 4Runenrs are already short on headroom). Dealerships don't control what they get. They get in what they get in and have as list and then go to the buyers on that list and say "is this one close enough?". If not, they offer it to the next person on the list. After 12 months of waiting, we found a 3 year old used one that fit out needs. Because of demand, no other out-of-state dealerships in the US would put us on a wait list so we went on lists in our state. Who knows how long we would have waited if we'd stayed on the list.
From the day we put down a deposit, we had no idea if we'd get it in 1 week, 1 month or 1 year or never. We didn't receive an expected delivery date when we put down a deposit (a deposit a lot larger than the $100 Varg deposit). Did not receive any updates throughout the entire year except a couple offers to take one that was the wrong color or wrong options. Or just an update from the dealerships that said "still waiting and hoping". And that is for an established make and a model (Gen5 4runner) that hasn't been redesigned since 2010.

But, the same thing is happening for many other vehicles. I know people that ordered a 2023 Ford Superduty and their order was never fullfilled in 2023 so they will get a 2024 build when those start to be built later this year. And long waits, with unknown delivery dates, isn't only something new these last few years. There are examples going back years and decades for high demand vehicles like ordering a Corvette or limited edition models or trims or simply the first year redesign of a model or for a hard to get configuration (manual transmission in some models or a non-common configuration like a standard cab pickup). Many situation over the years where you'd walk into a dealership and order and you'd not know if you'll get one much less when it will be coming in until you get a build date.

Sticking to electric vehicles and yes, back to Tesla, the waiting game goes back to their very first vehicle, the Roadster, but continued with the model S, X, and all other models since. A new model would be announced when it was in design phase rather than when it's ready for production, preorders opened up....then you wait. Years. Same for Rivian and same for Lucid. A relative has had a Rivian on order for 3 years. No idea when it will arrive. When they get the letter, then they'll know.

All that to say long waits and delays are nothing new and we've all heard about them all along in the media or from friends that have been impacted. It's just a bigger deal when it's happening directly to yourself. Ha.

For my $100, it's good been good entertainment. I didn't plan my powersports life around when it would arrive because we knew delivery dates would be fluid and so just treated it as "some day". I keep riding what I have in the garage and enjoying those. When/if a Varg arrives, I'll add it to the garage and it will be another option to choose when it's ride day.

My entire point is about communication. There is delays in all products.

Toyotas reason for that with the 4 runner is because of the culture and policy in Japan. If it was a Tacoma it wouldn’t have been that way. The 4 runner specifically is a “J” vin number meaning it is made in the Japan factory. I don’t think this is relevant to this situation because this stated reason is not something new, it is actually what creates demand in these vehicles and keeps resale value very high. This isn’t the company falling short of not having control of the product, this is how they sell the product.

FORD was having manufacturing issues with the super duty for other reasons they are trying to hide. This is more along the lines of what I’m speaking to. I’m not worried about waiting or the “run of the mill delay” from a new company. The nature of the “surprise” delay rather than the communicated delay leads me to believe there is some sort of problem behind the scenes. A company like ford has some issues going on that could sink it and this Is coming from a close friend that is pretty embedded in the company. (Not saying ford is going out of business, just speaking to the magnitude of the problem.)

Ford had a problem with a portion of their product. Not the entire product (vehicles in general) this again is what concerns me is stark is so new and they have one product. If there is a problem, even a small one, without help from a bigger company it wouldn’t take much for this startup to just be another flash in the pan.

I’ve been on many waiting lists, we had a 4 runner trd offroad premium we waited for, my wife worked for Toyota for years.

Tesla and thes electric auto makers were granted money in massive amounts to fund an “agenda” we don’t need to start discussing here. That’s again different.

I’m not “mad about my order…” waiting for something isn’t new to me. I’m more concerned with the strength of the company. This last delay doesn’t show strength because they set a precedence on how these delays are delivered to the community.

We have seen how the moto industry treats the electric bikes unless it’s one they make. We saw how alta was crushed and gutted.

Now we can just wait and see if the media team says something and maybe they revise the way they “predict” delivery/production dates.


Well-known member
The Netherlands


My order number is #MA24334, Expected DD September 30, 2023 . Revised to 15 December 2023, on 9/12/2023 after I paid in full and sent and support question?
My original order was 14 December 2021. Expected Delivery was 24 September 2022.
As a community we need to get an google Sheets going "excel file" to get a better estimate and track the deliveries/and quantity of orders known.
Were you asked by Stark to pay in full ?. . .and then they changed the delivery date once you'd done that ? If so, that's bad. I'm in that position now where I'm being asked to pay by the 19th Sept with delivery mid-October. I've got other things to spend £10k on than have it sat in Starks account for months.


Well-known member
Silverlake, WA
Were you asked by Stark to pay in full ?. . .and then they changed the delivery date once you'd done that ? If so, that's bad. I'm in that position now where I'm being asked to pay by the 19th Sept with delivery mid-October. I've got other things to spend £10k on than have it sat in Starks account for months.
I was not asked to pay in full, After a year delay I was just over excited and was hoping to speed up my delivery, for my birthday and Vacation time i have planned.


Well-known member
Silverlake, WA
Were you asked by Stark to pay in full ?. . .and then they changed the delivery date once you'd done that ? If so, that's bad. I'm in that position now where I'm being asked to pay by the 19th Sept with delivery mid-October. I've got other things to spend £10k on than have it sat in Starks account for months.
I saw some people saying that we need an order tracker. I just made this order tracker for the Stark Varg. Similar to the early Tesla owners we can now keep track of our order statusses and keep an eye on the production of Stark!
Please fill in the form and build the a tracking database for our orders! (y)

Fill in form: Stark Varg | Worldwide Order Tracker
Results: https://docs.google.com/.../1hLkD5XTRT2lh94axZTOE.../edit...


Well-known member
San Diego
Fully agree that Stark should be communicating the delays better (similar to how they did the first delays). As for the Tesla comparison, I'm not saying anything is "okay". I'm simply comparing how Tesla takes deposits/preorders and doesn't even try to predict an exact delivery date. They give a vague year and often move that. Both pre-order types (giving no specific date or giving an exact date) both suck for the consumer because they either give you know idea or get you fixated on a specific date and that inevitably moves.

When a company is designing a product and bringing it to market, when still in design phase they are going to have a tough time predicting an accurate timeline. It would be much easier on the consumer if they did what legacy auto manufactures do which is spend the 3 to 6 years designing, developing, and ramping up for production and only announce to the public when it's in the final stages of pre-production (hence the existence of "spy shots" of disguised new model vehicles being tested and driven in public). But waiting until that stage makes it hard to gauge interest and predict assembly plant capacity needs until preorders are taken, particularly on a new type of product such as this.

The actual time from preorder to delivery, independent from how they choose to communicate a predicted delivery date, is also an interesting subject. Waiting is nothing new. It's just more real when it happens to you. Ha. There is all manner of global products to use as examples, but even with vehicles, it is relatively common. We just canceled an order for a Toyota 4runner because we'd been waiting 12 months. Unlike most other brands, Toyota doesn't let buyers or dealerships order a specific vehicle. We wanted a specific trim, color, options and NOT one option (did not want moonroof because it takes away headroom and 4Runenrs are already short on headroom). Dealerships don't control what they get. They get in what they get in and have as list and then go to the buyers on that list and say "is this one close enough?". If not, they offer it to the next person on the list. After 12 months of waiting, we found a 3 year old used one that fit out needs. Because of demand, no other out-of-state dealerships in the US would put us on a wait list so we went on lists in our state. Who knows how long we would have waited if we'd stayed on the list.
From the day we put down a deposit, we had no idea if we'd get it in 1 week, 1 month or 1 year or never. We didn't receive an expected delivery date when we put down a deposit (a deposit a lot larger than the $100 Varg deposit). Did not receive any updates throughout the entire year except a couple offers to take one that was the wrong color or wrong options. Or just an update from the dealerships that said "still waiting and hoping". And that is for an established make and a model (Gen5 4runner) that hasn't been redesigned since 2010.

But, the same thing is happening for many other vehicles. I know people that ordered a 2023 Ford Superduty and their order was never fullfilled in 2023 so they will get a 2024 build when those start to be built later this year. And long waits, with unknown delivery dates, isn't only something new these last few years. There are examples going back years and decades for high demand vehicles like ordering a Corvette or limited edition models or trims or simply the first year redesign of a model or for a hard to get configuration (manual transmission in some models or a non-common configuration like a standard cab pickup). Many situation over the years where you'd walk into a dealership and order and you'd not know if you'll get one much less when it will be coming in until you get a build date.

Sticking to electric vehicles and yes, back to Tesla, the waiting game goes back to their very first vehicle, the Roadster, but continued with the model S, X, and all other models since. A new model would be announced when it was in design phase rather than when it's ready for production, preorders opened up....then you wait. Years. Same for Rivian and same for Lucid. A relative has had a Rivian on order for 3 years. No idea when it will arrive. When they get the letter, then they'll know.

All that to say long waits and delays are nothing new and we've all heard about them all along in the media or from friends that have been impacted. It's just a bigger deal when it's happening directly to yourself. Ha.

For my $100, it's good been good entertainment. I didn't plan my powersports life around when it would arrive because we knew delivery dates would be fluid and so just treated it as "some day". I keep riding what I have in the garage and enjoying those. When/if a Varg arrives, I'll add it to the garage and it will be another option to choose when it's ride day.

My entire point is about communication. There is delays in all products.

Toyotas reason for that with the 4 runner is because of the culture and policy in Japan. If it was a Tacoma it wouldn’t have been that way. The 4 runner specifically is a “J” vin number meaning it is made in the Japan factory. I don’t think this is relevant to this situation because this stated reason is not something new, it is actually what creates demand in these vehicles and keeps resale value very high. This isn’t the company falling short of not having control of the product, this is how they sell the product.

FORD was having manufacturing issues with the super duty for other reasons they are trying to hide. This is more along the lines of what I’m speaking to. I’m not worried about waiting or the “run of the mill delay” from a new company. The nature of the “surprise” delay rather than the communicated delay leads me to believe there is some sort of problem behind the scenes. A company like ford has some issues going on that could sink it and this Is coming from a close friend that is pretty embedded in the company. (Not saying ford is going out of business, just speaking to the magnitude of the problem.)

Ford had a problem with a portion of their product. Not the entire product (vehicles in general) this again is what concerns me is stark is so new and they have one product. If there is a problem, even a small one, without help from a bigger company it wouldn’t take much for this startup to just be another flash in the pan.

I sure hope that doesn’t happen, I’d like to see this comany thrive. I’m just drawing attention to the bigger picture of what could be going on.

I’ve waited for many vehicles and bikes over the years getting in early and trying new tech. I enjoy it. The electric car situation is also different because of the $ thrown at these companies. The grants that Tesla received from government backed entities wouldn’t let it fail….this is tied to agendas and things I’d rather not light off in a forum about bikes.

My concern is more looking from the distance there might be some red flags popping up here for stark….let’s hope someone bigger can step in with a grant like we had happen with these electric car companies if that is the case.

I’m not “just wanting my

Not saying it's OK, but the point is that it is not uncommon for new vehicle models to be delayed, even by established manufacturers.
So for a completely new company, there are many more hurdles to overcome, and it shouldn't be surprising that there are unforeseen delays.
That said, the communication from Stark could certainly be better.
I agree with you 100% and I hope people aren’t thinking I’m saying I don’t expect delays.

I’m speaking more about how the first delay was addressed and this one was not. Comparing the 2 situations sort of points to a company that may be in over their heads and maybe could be having some struggles behind closed doors given the price of every thing, the low relative cost of this bike with the tech and parts it has and the actual cost of doing business. I mean the bike was 12.9k when I bought….I couldn’t believe how affordable it was and the. After markup I still think they are affordable for what you are getting. We know the dealers are gonna mark them up and be OTD for 20k….there are a lot of variables here but it all revolves around the health of the company and if it can make it through the economic strain the world is under currently…

Did they possibly price it too low? What are we not seeing?

I don’t care about how fast I get the bike, I’d just really like to get one and that means I’d really like the company to succeed….


E powertrain proponent
Online “quoted” delivery date updated yet again from Jan 24 to April 24🙄🙄🙄🤬 I still smell a SpeedUTV like saga…


Well-known member
SW Montana
Online “quoted” delivery date updated yet again from Jan 24 to April 24🙄🙄🙄🤬 I still smell a SpeedUTV like saga…

Yes, the latest updates to everyone's estimated deliver dates, came out a couple days ago. That is what got this thread buzzing again. Most have moved 2 to 2.5 months out. Mine moved from Sept 30 to Dec. 15 (I ordered within hours of order website opening on Dec. 14, 2021). I have other orders, with early 2024 delivery dates, and those moved out by about 2 to 2.5 months as well. My opinion is it gets here when it gets here. I have other stuff to ride until it gets here until then. Besides, Sept 30 through June is winter here (mountain forest service roads don't open to wheeled traffic until June 16) so it would just be sitting anyway. Would rather get a bike that is a bit more sorted rather than it sitting here for 7 months unridden. If they would have started delivering in the winter, I would have likely had Stark delay mine until spring/summer delivery anyway (which would also let the guys in warmer climates, that can ride in the winter, get their bikes sooner).


Hey, long time lurker first time poster, thought I'd share some good news. I was a day one order back in December 2021. My original delivery date was Dec 2022, this got pushed back to July 31st 2023, then recently (a week or so ago) got pushed back to October 15th 2023.

Yesterday I got an email saying my Stark has shipped & is en route, I should receive details from local couriers soon. Delivery date estimate still says Oct 15th, but I'm only in England, so don't expect it to take nearly 3 weeks to ship over but who knows...

On the website the bike has gone from waiting for production, to in production, and last Wed/Thursday switched to "sent". Hopefully they ramp up deliveries now and customers start getting their bikes.

Anyways, thought I'd share some good news. ⚡


New member
Hey, long time lurker first time poster, thought I'd share some good news. I was a day one order back in December 2021. My original delivery date was Dec 2022, this got pushed back to July 31st 2023, then recently (a week or so ago) got pushed back to October 15th 2023.

Yesterday I got an email saying my Stark has shipped & is en route, I should receive details from local couriers soon. Delivery date estimate still says Oct 15th, but I'm only in England, so don't expect it to take nearly 3 weeks to ship over but who knows...

On the website the bike has gone from waiting for production, to in production, and last Wed/Thursday switched to "sent". Hopefully they ramp up deliveries now and customers start getting their bikes.

Anyways, thought I'd share some good news. ⚡
I had more or less the same events yesterday. Bike is on it's way. They are pushing out a lot of bikes now.


Well-known member
San Diego
No that's correct £11,000 I maybe foolishly went for the 80 hp thinking it will be a stronger motor under less stress but did I read it is just a setting in the electronics?
I believe the 80HP is a different motor and not a matter of software only.

I could be wrong.


Well-known member
San Diego
Interesting enough I always build them randomly to see when a new customer bike would come. Used to say 2025….but since my date was pushed further out by three months I thought I’d see how far a new customer would get quoted…to my surprise it’s been shortened and they have an estimated delivery of end of 2024 now.

More reason to thing the “estimated” date is nothing more than vapor ware. Unfortunately.


Well-known member
Curious whether anyone in the USA is getting their bike any time soon... It seems like all the bikes are going to Europe first.

From various interviews / emails / etc. I pieced together this rough timeline, updated per recent events and very much subject to change if it's accurate at all:

initial prototypes etc.
'Press Week' bikes
media-review bikes
EU-area dealer demos
all other demos (in terms of actual bike deliveries as of 9/24/23, I believe this is @ the stage we're at)
EU-area dealer preorders
all other dealer preorders
EU-area online preorders
all other online preorders
normal dealer order fulfillment at some point

I'm sure there's a lot of overlap, customs delays, typical huge-rollout chaos, etc.
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