Where did you ride your Alta today?


Well-known member
WA State, USA
First day out after self imposed 14 day quarantine (not sick, just did a lot of travel recently before quaretining) and put in some miles at my buddies property. Wasn’t feeling too good but went anyway.

Was excited to try out my new Nicki Hayden tribute helmet!


5 mins in, this, up to the axles, took me 20 mins to get out. Was exhausted, Lol. These pics are after about 10 mins of work.


Go back to the truck for a break, get a drink. The bike decides to fall over. What da?!

Continued riding, checked out some killer new side hill trails barely wide enough to ride. Caught my pants leg on the outside peg, almost toppled off the side. Survived.

Sun finally came out, the dirt started tacking up, almost hero dirt, I ripped a bit more enjoying the new found traction. Finally had enough, back to the truck, load up, tie downs secured, hard parts done, it’s all good now.



Did find an old spent 410 (I think) shell so that was fun.


Some rides you’re the bug and some rides you’re the windshield. Or something like that. I will return to redeem myself at the first opportunity.


Well-known member
Don’t feel bad! This is how most of my rides go.... 😂

First day out after self imposed 14 day quarantine (not sick, just did a lot of travel recently before quaretining) and put in some miles at my buddies property. Wasn’t feeling too good but went anyway.

Was excited to try out my new Nicki Hayden tribute helmet!

View attachment 5151

5 mins in, this, up to the axles, took me 20 mins to get out. Was exhausted, Lol. These pics are after about 10 mins of work.

View attachment 5152
View attachment 5153

Go back to the truck for a break, get a drink. The bike decides to fall over. What da?!

Continued riding, checked out some killer new side hill trails barely wide enough to ride. Caught my pants leg on the outside peg, almost toppled off the side. Survived.

Sun finally came out, the dirt started tacking up, almost hero dirt, I ripped a bit more enjoying the new found traction. Finally had enough, back to the truck, load up, tie downs secured, hard parts done, it’s all good now.


View attachment 5154

Did find an old spent 410 (I think) shell so that was fun.

View attachment 5155

Some rides you’re the bug and some rides you’re the windshield. Or something like that. I will return to redeem myself at the first opportunity.


Well-known member
WA State, USA
Almost forgot, the bar clamp on my spendy phone holder clamp thing decided to let go.

Heard a load clink, saw the unit on the ground, could not find the missing bar clamp piece.

Every time I ride up there now I’m gonna be looking for that damn part, Lol. What a day. Did enjoy it though.
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