Took about 10 minutes to insure mine on the Progressive website. We already have two ATVs on a Progressive policy, so I logged in, clicked "Add/Get a Quote", typed in the VIN and it popped up as a Varg. It gave me the deductible and other policy options, and gave me a quote. Clicked submit to add it. It added $27 a year to my policy for full coverage. Amazing! I know it was only that cheap because it added it onto an existing offroad vehicle policy with them, but still, I expected it to be a bit over $100/yr. I don't know what they would have charged if it was my only offroad vehicle with them. Most of our insurance is through State Farm and I asked them for a quote as well, even though I knew it would be more. State Farm quoted $425 - 518 year depending on deductible of $1,000 or $500. And that was for a simple, full coverage, offroad-only quote.
Background on why I even had Progressive for the ATVs rather than State Farm like all of our home and other policies: Years ago when we replaced our ATV with a different one, I'd insured it through State Farm just like the previous one. But, a few weeks later they came back as the underwriter saw our ATVs were registered as both offroad and onroad (offroad sticker and plate) which is common practice here because technically, the mountain forest service roads are roads, not trails, and Fish&Game prefer to see them plated. Statefarm said their underwriter said they would only insure them as a road driven vehicle and so over $1,000/year rather than the $120/yr like the previous one had been. They had no explanation on why the change and if it would effect all their other ATV and UTVs they have insured since everyone registers them as both offroad and onboard here. So I moved to Progressive for the ATVs and now added the Varg.