Display Guard - Protect it from crashes!


Well-known member
Union, KY 41091
Maybe I missed it...but have you defined the procurement /shipping approach? (ebay, "buy it now"?, private message with paypal.me?, ect....)
THX for all your work!


Well-known member
I have never been interested in making production runs, only the design to suit a specific need. That is why I have turned the production over to a friend who makes motorcycle suspension parts. He will have them on his website, Keith Products and will ship them out to you. I gave him another product called a Dirt Napper for solo adventure riders as a self rescue device. I will make sure this product gets to the people who have expressed an interest to keep our bikes alive as long as possible. I will post the link and all the details as soon as he is ready to ship. The process started when I saw a need to protect my own display, now on two Altas. It soon became clear many other owners would benefit and the snowball just rolled down the hill. It has taken longer than I anticipated and for that I apologize.


Geezer in denial
Lake Hartwell, SC
I have never been interested in making production runs, only the design to suit a specific need. That is why I have turned the production over to a friend who makes motorcycle suspension parts. He will have them on his website, Keith Products and will ship them out to you. I gave him another product called a Dirt Napper for solo adventure riders as a self rescue device. I will make sure this product gets to the people who have expressed an interest to keep our bikes alive as long as possible. I will post the link and all the details as soon as he is ready to ship. The process started when I saw a need to protect my own display, now on two Altas. It soon became clear many other owners would benefit and the snowball just rolled down the hill. It has taken longer than I anticipated and for that I apologize.

No apology needed. I am sure everyone is simply (and understandably) anxious about busting the display on their bike and owning an inert, high tech sculpture. I greatly appreciate your initiative and effort to get these designed and made; and will continue to ride my EXR somewhat cautiously until I can get one of the guards. Thanks again!


"You don't *really* need the water pump...."
Forum's Sponsor
I've helped plenty of Harley owners that need your Dirt Napper. Maybe you can re-market it for them, call it the Parking Lot Napper, or Dirt Driveway Napper, or Leaving the Bar Napper.


Well-known member
Is this your pal?
Motorcycle Rescue Jack, Reloading Parts by Keith Products Co.

Yep, I got the original idea when I got pinned under my Husaberg about ten years ago. The guy I was riding with didn't notice I was gone for about twenty minutes. Facing down hill with my leg caught on a root and the bike, there was nothing within reach to even lever the bike off me. It gave me lots of time to think ha, ha. Anyway, after about thirteen or fourteen derivations on the idea I came up with the "Dirt Napper" (named because of my "dirt nap"). After machining, coating, assembling, and selling about fifty units I turned it over to Keith. I still go over all the time and sort of lend technical assistance and other ideas. The "Alta Vault" (that will be the name of the new display guard) was one of the other motorcycle ideas I have talked him into.


Well-known member
Is this your pal?
Motorcycle Rescue Jack, Reloading Parts by Keith Products Co.

Yep, I got the original idea when I got pinned under my Husaberg about ten years ago. The guy I was riding with didn't notice I was gone for about twenty minutes. Facing down hill with my leg caught on a root and the bike, there was nothing within reach to even lever the bike off me. It gave me lots of time to think ha, ha. Anyway, after about thirteen or fourteen derivations on the idea I came up with the "Dirt Napper" (named because of my "dirt nap"). After machining, coating, assembling, and selling about fifty units I turned it over to Keith. I still go over all the time and sort of lend technical assistance and other ideas. The "Alta Vault" (that will be the name of the new display guard) was one of the other motorcycle ideas I have talked him into.


Well-known member
Good news guys, we have got the last of the parts to the laser. The Bad news is it will take three weeks. The Better news is I got more material and will hand machine them today. By tomorrow the site will be live to order the "AltaVault" for your bike and protect you display made of unobtanium ! ! ! Details to follow.


Well-known member
You guys are too fast. I wanted to make some corrections to the link before I posted it. The picture was from my prototype which had three ears, the center was for my steering stabilizer. The EX version will have two and the MX no ears since it is a different mount. I will update it today.
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