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A few years ago, my son and I modified a small electric go kart by replacing the motor, batteries, and other electrical components. In summary, we transformed an 8-mph go kart into a 20-mph vehicle by doubling the motor power and by utlizging lithium ion batteries similar to what are used in Tesla cars. We enjoyed the learning process so much we decided to “scale up” and build a full size go kart. At some point, I thought it would be a good idea to teach my son how to start a business so we incorporated “Vextrek, LLC” as a Subchapter S corporation in the state of Georgia. Our mission was to assemble electric go karts to compete with gas powered racing go karts in terms of acceleration and speed. We also build custom lithium battery packs for golf carts and other applications.

However, this is less of a story about electric go karts and batteries as it is about how to learn new things. I am a 53-year government accountant with no formal training or education in electrical engineering. I am completely self-taught and only became interested in electric vehicles a few years ago. Though hours of reading books and watching YouTube videos, I acquired the knowledge necessary to safely assemble an electric go kart.

When I encountered tasks that were above my capabilities, I sought the help of experts. In all circumstances, I sought to learn how to do every task myself since I value the learning process as much as the end product. I also involved my son as much as possible. While he was not permitted to work on “high voltage” tasks, he developed expertise in switches and other wiring techniques under close supervision. I have also involved him in everything from company name and logo selections to pricing decisions and other marketing efforts.

In conclusion, Vextrek is not just a story of a successful business start up in Augusta, GA. It is a story of how you can find happiness at any age if you apply yourself and (most importantly) teach someone you love along the way.
February 9
Augusta, GA




Gary Little - Vextrek, LLC
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