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  1. wwmotors

    MX vs MXR

    There are a lot of threads, which had discussed all items above already! But in short: I would always take a MXR for MX riding and a MX for trial or Enduro riding! The other way round, You have to make too much changes to the bikes, which cost a lot of effort and money!
  2. wwmotors

    ALTA EXR Urban Camouflage

    For the perfect camouflage effect, i wrapped the helmet also! Now it gets dangerous, because people will not see me anymore and crash into me without knowing!
  3. wwmotors

    Ever see this?

    WAU! Must be 4m high jump into the flat! How did he do that?
  4. wwmotors

    Alta Test Track Build (In progress)

    Not the latest trackbuild, but the there You can see the shape. At the beginning everything was flat. I pushed the dirt together and formed 2 hills, where we go over back and forth. That saves a lot of dirt and You have not to deliver it with trucks. Be aware, that water can flow away and not...
  5. wwmotors

    Alta Test Track Build (In progress)

    My track is 1,2 acres and You can see it here. It is a minute to drive and has 12 jumps. Biggest one is 25m. I plan to rebuild a few sections more like Supercross. So I will build some more doubles in a row!
  6. wwmotors

    ALTA EXR Urban Camouflage

    Thats done with 3M Carwrapping foil. Roughly 6-7 hours only wrapping it. But it was worth it. Love it! Now I dissapear in the woods, no one can see me any more! :-)
  7. wwmotors

    ALTA EXR Urban Camouflage

    After a few weeks planing, developing and organizing wrapping foils, here it is! My ALTA EXR Urban Camouflage Design by wwmotors. Enjoy.
  8. wwmotors

    Want to buy Looking for a MXR with Code 36 for Export. Something availlable?

    Honda is not the biggest manufacturer in the world! HERO Motoccles in India is the biggest!
  9. wwmotors

    Want to buy Looking for a MXR with Code 36 for Export. Something availlable?

    It is the biggest motorcycle manufacturer worldwide!
  10. wwmotors

    Want to buy Looking for a MXR with Code 36 for Export. Something availlable?

    Yes, I find the bikes and a international company imports them! They are also capable to open and repair batterys!
  11. wwmotors

    Want to buy Looking for a MXR with Code 36 for Export. Something availlable?

    Hey Guys, I am looking for a MXR with Code 36 for Export. Something availlable? We can repair that, so i hope, to save some money! It will be exported to Europe. My shipper cares for everything. The seller has to provide, bike, charger and a notarized title (Notarizing is possible nearly at any...
  12. wwmotors

    Alta Multi Tool member list

    Are here some real Internet nerds? We have to install a MT check via internet connection! Then we can help everyone worldwide with checking the status of their ALTAS! :-)
  13. wwmotors

    Alta Multi Tool member list

    I am in! My shop is in southern Germany. I have ALTA Multitool and Cable, a MXR and EXR and all types of chargers. Also all special tools, which where provided by ALTA. May be, I can offer Battery fixes in the near future!
  14. wwmotors

    The Tire Thread

    I ride on the Michelin Starcross 5 Medium after the Dunlop junking disaster of the stock tyres! Mainly on hard soil tracks here in Germany and also in winter in the MX-hall at temperatures around 5-10 degrees Celsius. I think, the Michelin has the best cost to mileage ratio. Also very good...
  15. wwmotors

    Sold 2019 Alta Redshift EXR - $12,750

    I have the side number plates (yes, new and left and right!!) here in my garage! I will keep them 10 years, then they will be worth same amount than 1 BTC! :-)
  16. wwmotors

    The last new ALTA on this planet?

    I saw that! The prices are heading to the moon, i guess! :-)
  17. wwmotors

    The last new ALTA on this planet?

    Hello ALTA Riders, I sold a brandnew ALTA MXR with 5 miles on the clock to a happy customer! He did immediately the firt miles on the bike on my ALTA Testtrack Germany! Is this the last NEW ALTA on this planet, or does someone else have a "never ridden" ALTA at home!?!?
  18. wwmotors

    Zollprobleme bei der Einfuhr von ALTAS nach Deutschland

    Wieder ein Beweis für Beamtenwillkür! Und ich will ganz klare rechtliche Verhältnisse und keinem Zöllner in den A... kriechen müssen! Das ist doch nicht zu viel verlangt, oder?
  19. wwmotors

    Zollprobleme bei der Einfuhr von ALTAS nach Deutschland

    Die deutschen Behörden haben sich verselbstständigt und dienen nicht mehr dem Bürger, sondern sind Verhinderungsbehörden! Es muss jetzt mal richtig krachen, sonst ändert sich da nie was! Ich versuche mit der Story ins Fernsehen zu kommen. Obs was nutzt!?! 200.000 reiche Deutsche wind im letzten...
  20. wwmotors

    Zollprobleme bei der Einfuhr von ALTAS nach Deutschland

    WIe komme ich in die WhattsApp Gruppe rein?
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