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  1. C

    Varg broken out of the box Red light constant

    Foss, Stark got back in touch with me this morning and have said that they should have a answer for me by the end of business today. I agree with you, im a mechanical minded person so electrics seem to be above my head at times but with desperation i tried everything to get this red light to...
  2. C

    Varg broken out of the box Red light constant

    Thanks for your replies. Foss, I’ll give your technique a blast. I emailed stark and whatsapped them yesterday but it was sunday so i dont expect a response until today for answer. Makes me wondeer why the manual dorsnt explain “hard reset” advice. Your information is really handy thanks.
  3. C

    Varg broken out of the box Red light constant

    Hi All, First time using the forum didn't realize you had this community, thanks to whoever started this up. Hopefully sharing issues and solutions will help the E mx community grow. Anyway bit of back ground, iv raced MX in the UK since i was 9 years old at various levels, best was in the...
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