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  1. Bert

    Firmware not updating

    So I got word back from Stark and this is what they said to me. Thank you for contacting Stark. You can find information about Stark Future dealers and partners by visiting our website, please see following link. Stark dealers Please let us know if there’s anything else we can assist you...
  2. Bert

    Firmware not updating

    I bought mine from Starks website as well to save on dealer mark ups along with wanting to put the bike together. Currently charging my bike right now and the charger fan isn’t going on. I do have it on slow charge at 1kw. Last time I charged it the fan would go on even during slow charge. I...
  3. Bert

    Firmware not updating

    Good to know about the charger. And will keep an eye out on that. Many have said that the wiring for the charger doesn’t have enough exposed wire showing. If I hear back from Stark or find any info will share it here to help.
  4. Bert

    Firmware not updating

    What issues did you have with your charger? I told them that I have done all those steps and that it’s still not working properly with photos of the app menus. So waiting to hear back on what they say. They are possibly going to send you something along the lines of this. Thank you for...
  5. Bert

    Firmware not updating

    Just got my VARG delivered to me and have an issue with updating the firmware. The bike is running 1.0.110 and the app is V.1.0.185 (416) which seems to be the latest version. I have tried all options of trying to update the bike to the latest version to get crawl mode and 10% battery...
  6. Bert

    Varg turns on in Neutral, cannot select mode

    I had the same issue as well. Went for a ride at my local track and had the throttle cut out. The app was showing I was in map 1 but when twisting the throttle no power. Shut the bike in stand by mode and closed the app. Then turned it back on, bike was in neutral, and when I pushed the down...
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