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  1. Motophyllic

    Alta Redshift stolen on Black Friday 2024 + RECOVERED!

    Wow, awesome. So nice to see some good news!!
  2. Motophyllic

    Charge from RV Lithium's

    Oof, that’s not much. I’ll have to run the generator.
  3. Motophyllic

    Charge from RV Lithium's

    I have three 100 amp hour lithium batteries in my RV, I’m gonna see what I can do as far as charging my bike. Thank you.
  4. Motophyllic

    Charge from RV Lithium's

    How fast do you get a charge with the 120 set up you have there?
  5. Motophyllic

    Owner's Review Stark Varg vs Alta MXR

    That’s great to know, thank you for the info. I do everything I can to keep my bikes running. 😁
  6. Motophyllic

    Owner's Review Stark Varg vs Alta MXR

    I didn’t know you were supposed to turn the key off, I leave it on during charging so I can see what state I am at. Is this something I should be concerned about? I have an R pack and have been doing it for five years now.
  7. Motophyllic

    Sold Brand new Alta Headlight, brackets, lighting wiring harness & more all for sale! Prices in description w do bulk deals

    Hi, I need the bracket that holds the front fender and front brake guide in place. It’s a flat, bent piece of metal. Any chance you have one of those?
  8. Motophyllic

    Wing Seats

    I have a wings seat with hump on my CRF250R and my CRF450R, I love them.
  9. Motophyllic

    Flux Performance - eMX startup from Europe

    Thank you @Philip for reminding them of reverse. It looks like it’s gonna have it 😁
  10. Motophyllic

    Stark home delivery? Dealer pre-order? Out-of-state dealer?

    I pay 8.125% here in NY and no more after that, but that’s still highway robbery.
  11. Motophyllic

    Stark home delivery? Dealer pre-order? Out-of-state dealer?

    That’s absurd they charge you $250/year tax on a bike. Some people use something like this: Not a first hand user, but have heard of it.
  12. Motophyllic

    Flux Performance - eMX startup from Europe

    They have my money. I’m thinking it’s a goner by now.
  13. Motophyllic

    Want to trade Trade Left hand rear brake for your stock footbrake?

    Mine is set up with the hand and foot brake so if you’re used to hitting the foot brake you can but you can also use the hand rear brake on right hand turns. I hop off my Alta and get on my CRF 250. No problem. The left-hand rear brake is used very similar to a clutch in a lot of situations...
  14. Motophyllic

    Replacement handlebar?

    I like to 12° bend but I agree there’s not enough room to mount stuff on the handlebars. I wish they would improve the design but I do like the bars.
  15. Motophyllic

    Replacement handlebar?

    I don’t know which one matches nekken, but if you call Flexx Bars, they’re very helpful and would probably have that answer. I’ve changed my mind about the 10° and really dislike them now. The 12° works much better and doesn’t hurt my hands like the 10° started doing. You can put the display in...
  16. Motophyllic

    Sold New photos/look 2020 Sur-Ron Light Bee Luna XX Ludicrous model - $4,150 (Canton, OH)

    How much did it cost new? Doesn’t matter for this sale, just wondering how much they’ve gone up.
  17. Motophyllic

    New Stark Varg products are coming - Luxon Triple Clamps

    I’m just curious, who is correct, the book or the guy making the triple clamps. They say opposite things.
  18. Motophyllic

    General Mark911 moving to Ohio

    Welcome to the east coast. You’re now 8 hours away from me. Much better than 40, but still a hike. I hope you enjoy the move. Best of luck!!
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